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4 years ago

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4 years ago

"Jimin, where do you think you're going?" The boy immediately flinches at the voice calling for him. He knew what was bound to happen and it wasn't going to be fun.

Hesitantly, the boy stops walking and halts in the middle of the hallway, Jimin stands in place waiting as he grips onto the shoulder straps of his backpack in utter discomfort.

Although this wasn't the first time he'd experienced this, the feeling of fear was the one thing that never went away.

Jimin could hear the faint footsteps approaching him slowly from behind. It gets louder and louder as the person nears him, it only built up the suspense more, making Jimin's heart pound from the fear of the unknown.

"Well well well, look what we've got here." the person sneers, "A fatass." The two boys beside him break into laughter and Jimin bites his bottom lip to avert himself from crying.

As he walks in front of the poor scared Jimin, he places a hand on his shoulder gripping it tightly, causing Jimin to wince at the pain.

"Fucking look at me when I talk to you, pig." He sputters at Jimin's face and a single tear rolls down the boy's cheek as he looks at the person before him. He had no idea he was biting down on his bottom lip so hard until he tasted something of a metallic taste streamed down his throat.

"Better." The person says not breaking eye contact with the boy, "Now, give me the money I asked for."

Jimin shakes his head, "I don't have any m-money." the boy manages to stutter out, trembling with fear.

The eyes of the person in front of him narrows as the person lets out a loud tsk, "Don't fucking lie to me pig, I know you're going to go buy snacks anyways. I'm doing you a favor. Hand it over."

The grip on Jimin's shoulder gets stronger and he can't do anything but stand there and take it while his bullies friend watches in amusement.

"I really don't h-have any money for you to take." He says as the the grip just keeps getting stronger and stronger, he starts to sniffle and cry at the pain he was enduring.


"I'm sorry about that day." The pizza delivery boy whines, "It was a lot of money I took from you, I'll give it back."

After Yoongi heard what happened between this guy and Jimin, he wanted nothing more than to slam the door in his face, but for some reason, something was stopping him from doing so.

"Yeah? And what am I going to do with it now, Woosung? Do you even know what the money was for?" Jimin retaliates making the boy who still held the pizza apologetically shake his head.

Jimin scoffs and rolls his eyes a little, "That's what I thought. That money you stole from me was for my dads treatment."

The boy can't help but laugh Woosung's worried expression, "I'll give it back, I'm so so sorry." He says and Jimin suddenly wasn't as playful.

"What good is it now? He's dead."

i still cringe at the flashback scene, i wrote it when i was 15 and i was too lazy to edit it. anyways, some of you were like, "ew. who describes candy as wet?"

 who describes candy as wet?"

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i had this in mind. it's called 水あめ which translates directly to "water candy" in english, so.... my bad. Lol

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