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He felt nervous

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He felt nervous.

Yoongi had driven them to a nearby park and he was currently on the swing while Jimin sat at the top of the slide next to him.

It was already 2 in the morning so he was a little bit tired and didn't even know why he was here. What exactly did Yoongi mean when he said that they both needed this? Why did they need to go to the park so early in the morning?

"I'm sorry for what happened at the party. Y'know about the whole... incident?" Yoongi says while he lightly rocks back and forth on the swing and his light blonde hair flowing due to the icy cold winter wind. That's when Jimin isn't so nervous, but maybe a little bit upset.

He was saddened to hear that Yoongi was sorry for kissing him, but they had done it before. Why was he apologizing this time?

Yoongi continues swinging lightly and Jimin takes a seat on the slide. "I didn't mean to treat you like that, it just... I don't know." He looked down at his hands that are placed on his lap and huffed out a somber laugh, "I do know why, I'm just so fucking stupid. I didn't even notice the way you looked at me when I left you in that room."

Jimin brings his knees up to his chest and holds it there, just silently listening to Yoongi's words as he looks down at his shoes.

"I just... I just didn't want to take advantage of you. I didn't want to treat you like you're just anybody else to me, because you're not. You're special to me and I've never felt this way about anybody before."

After Yoongi admits everything, it stays silent for a while and the silence makes him feel flustered. That was before the boy slid down from the slide and looked at Yoongi with large doe eyes which sparkled under the light of the full moon, contrasting from his dark brown hair, but still made him look heavenly.

That's when Yoongi sees a tear stream down Jimin's face, "Ah, baby- Jiminie, don't cry. C'mere." He says and pats his lap indicating for him to sit to which the boy executed.

When Jimin takes a seat on him, Yoongi wraps his arms around the younger boys waist and starts to swing slowly after placing a kiss on the boy's neck.

"You're so perfect." He whispers to him gently making the boy smile sweetly, "So so perfect... a-and I-I've been meaning to ask you something."

Jimin can't see, but behind him sits Yoongi who is currently a blushing mess, while his heart wildly thumps against his chest, and his mouth getting drier by the second. Why was he so nervous all of a sudden?



Heart break?

"Jimin, I want to- fuck." Then his eyes widen after realizing what he said, "Wait, not fuck. I didn't mean that, fuck." Yoongi starts to fumble all his words and a sweet laugh escapes Jimin's mouth.

"I'm such a fuck up." Yoongi groans and hides his face in Jimin's back and makes his hold around the boy's waist tighter. The brunette plays with Yoongi's hands which were laced together right in front of him.

Yoongi sighs onto Jimin and it makes the boy wriggle a little because of the warm feeling. "Okay, what I really wanted to ask was, uh, if you i don't know, want to maybe go out with me?" He mumbled and that's when Jimin felt his heart beat out of his chest.

He sat completely still on Yoongi, breathless as he was caught off guard. Not really, but it still made him feel nervous. His hands were extremely clammy now and he didn't know what do, so he jumped off of Yoongi's lap.

Okay, so Yoongi was a little hurt at that, but it felt  better now because Jimin came back to sit on his lap, but facing each other this time, straddling the older boy.

They briefly looked into each other's eyes and before sharing a passionate kiss.

Jimin's arms travel to rest on Yoongi's shoulders as his hands play with his blonde hair and giggles into the kiss. Meanwhile Yoongi holds him tight, not letting the boy stray away for even a second.

They were left there swinging back and forth together in perfect harmony, holding one other in each other's embrace.

All in all, Yoongi nor Jimin would forget this night.

some people stopped reading bc of jungseok? this is yoonmin though, lmfao. idk why, but i'm getting tired of my writing style. haha

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