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"Jimin, we're here." Taehyung says softly as he parked the car outside of Jimin's house. The blonde yawns while glancing to the backseat of Taehyung's car to see poor Jungkook out cold. As he moves his gaze back to Taehyung he notices how visibly tired he looked too.

"You guys can sleep over, it's already one in the morning." The boy says as he rubs his eyes with both hands, trying his hardest to suppress a second yawn. Taehyung smiles at Jimin's adorable childlike state and takes his offer into consideration, "Are you sure?" He questions, stretching his arms forward to stretch while the older boy nods in response

"Of course, you shouldn't be driving at this hour anyways."

"Thanks, Jimin." The boy smiles tiredly as he takes his keys out of the ignition and turns to the backseat of his car, "Hey, uh Jungkook?". Expecting the boy to be awake, he was surprised to be met with the sleeping boy with lips slightly parted as he breathed in and out calmly.

Taehyung lets out an exasperated sigh, keeping his eyes fixed on the boys' sleeping face, "Can you help me?"  He asks Jimin quietly, trying to the best of his ability not to wake up Jungkook. The small boy gives Taehyung a quick nod before stepping out of the car to help.

"Okay, just a little bit more." Jimin whisper yelled with just a hint of enthusiasm as Taehyung tried to get Jungkook to the sofa, the boy almost lifeless on Taehyung's back.

The boys make it to the sofa, Taehyung sits down on the edge softly making sure not to wake the boy up and slowly Jungkook sinks into the sofa, still deep in his sleep. Taehyung huffs, trying to catch his breath, but smiled when looking at sleeping Jungkook who resembled a small bunny rabbit.

"All the blankets and stuff are where they always are, if you want to change into pajamas you can use the one that you forgot last time." Jimin continues whispering softly in order to keep Jungkook from waking up as he walks upstairs towards his own room.

Taehyung quickly glances around the dark living room and spots the stuff in the same corner as always. "Alright, thanks Jimin. Goodnight." He whispered back to the boy who was already half way up the stairs, just lifting an arm for a second to say goodnight before disappearing completely from Taehyung's sight.

Taehyung gets his little area completed, but before he goes to sleep himself he placed a blanket over Jungkook. The sleeping boy brings the blanket up just below his chin, cuddling with the soft plush material the moment it came in contact with his body.

When satisfied with everything Taehyung laid down getting ready to sleep. His eyes fluttering shut after he was comfortable. That was until he heard the most questionable sentence coming from the boy beside him.

"mmm, fuck me daddy~"

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