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"Hobi, we're here." Yoongi states as he stops the car across the street from the red heads house, not even giving the boy beside him a glance. The boy seems to be lost in thought, "Hoseok? You good?"

When they sit there for another minute without saying a single word Yoongi hesitantly reaches his hand out and pets Hoseok's pretty lightly waved styled hair. His thumb moves around massaging his friends head and Hoseok sighing at Yoongi's touch, now fully aware about his surroundings.

"Yeah, m'fine, just thinking about Jinyoung." He says and Yoongi almost has a heart attack in full fledged panic, he had forgotten to bring Jinyoung back with them, "Oh shit! Should we go back?"

"No." He says immediately, "He wouldn't be there anyways." Hoseok says with a small sad smile painted on his face and Yoongi curiously lifts a brow, "We broke up when you were still passed out at Namjoon's boyfriends house." Suddenly, the boy is speechless at his words, they seemed to be doing so well just a few hours before. Why now?

He also started to see a trend tonight, when things were going fine just a few hours before, something goes awry all in the same day. "Why'd you break up with him?"

"He did something I can't support. I'm pretty open minded about stuff, but what he did was unjustified and I don't know..." Hoseok ruffles up his own hair and lets out a small groan afterwards.

"Anyways, thanks for dropping me off, Yoongi." His voice is a bit groggy as he opens the car door and shivers nearly a second after the cold winter air hit his silk like skin. He finally manages to wave at Yoongi before closing the door quietly in hopes to not disturb his potentially already sleeping neighbors.

It was when he heard an awfully suspicious sound of a car door slamming shut that he stopped in his tracks and turns back around. He was surprised to see Yoongi walking up from behind him. "What are you doing?" Hoseok questions the boy who walks right past him, stopping just in front of the entrance of the house.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" Yoongi bluntly asks waiting for Hoseok to catch up to him, though the red head doesn't even take a step from where he stands. "I don't really feel like driving all the way back to my house right now." Yoongi says in a voice that was begging for his friends sympathy.

Yoongi used beg. It was very effective.

Giving into his friends antics, Hoseok starts walking towards his door to unlock it. The second the door swings open Yoongi runs in with a smile on his face, "Ah! Home sweet home~"

The boy trails behind him after closing his door and takes the seat beside Yoongi. The red head starts to drift into sleep, that was until the boy besides him starts to poke at his cheek, "What is it Yoongi?"

"Tell me what happened with you and Jinyoung."

spectaecular's Story
updated - 10 seconds ago

spectaecular's Story updated - 10 seconds ago

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