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"Yoongi?" Jimin spoke up, gaining the attention of the older who he was still holding hands with as they walked down the street, heading towards Jin's home for the THIRD get-together

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"Yoongi?" Jimin spoke up, gaining the attention of the older who he was still holding hands with as they walked down the street, heading towards Jin's home for the THIRD get-together.

How fun!

"I have a question. If that's fine with you." Yoongi nodded slowly wondering what he could possibly be asked, they were so open with each other, or at least he thought he was. He was surprised to hear the first question. It felt like a lifetime ago.

"When I accidentally sent you that... that Snapchat, you said you'd use that for blackmail. What are you planning to do?" He asked nervously, his hands becoming a bit clammy though Yoongi didn't mind, he loved his baby's little hands. Well, that and he was sure he was equally to blame for how sticky their hands were.

The latter chuckled, remembering their first encounter over that super flattering picture of Jimin's zoomed in face. Now that he thought about it, he hadn't seen it in a while, which only gave him something to do later.

"I wasn't going to do anything stupid, I was going to ask you out on a date when we were at Jin's place and if you said no I would've used the picture to my advantage. You know... blackmail." He smiled at Jimin who looked even curiouser than before.

"What kind of date were you planning? Uh, y'know, for science!" Jimin asked while he swung his and Yoongi's arm back and forth as they kept walking.

"Baby, who knows? I probably would've taken you out for a nice dinner, maybe watched a movie, shared popcorn." Yoongi blushed just thinking about all the things he would've done for Jimin on their first date. "It would've been like the cheesy first dates you see in movies."

Jimin smiled, not at what Yoongi told him, but his boyfriends unique smile and the fact that they were still hand in hand made him extremely flustered.

Though he's been with him for a little over 2 months now, but it was still a damn good reason to feel over the moon when he sees it. It meant that he was doing something right and he loved it when he was the cause of Yoongi's smile.

It became silent for a little while as they continued walking, but during that time, Yoongi had some questions as well, he was now a bit curious about their first encounter too.

"Jiminie baby, is it okay if I ask you some questions now?" When the boy acknowledged him, he cleared his throat then proceeded to talk.

"You know, you seemed like a completely different person on snapchat than you did when I first met you. What was that about?" He asked his boyfriend who didn't quite understand the question he was just asked. Getting the hint, he rephrased it slightly, " I mean that you seemed so different, like confidence wise?"

Jimin chuckled as he squeezed Yoongi's hand a little bit tighter before adjusting his grip to be a bit looser like before, "I haven't had to deal with people making fun of my weight since high school," he started, "So when I got that message it just brought back so many bad memories and I felt so... uncomfortable in my own body."

He explained carefully, Yoongi running his thumbs on the backside of his boyfriends hands, "I was doing pretty well up until then... but when I was mad at you, I just wanted to prove that I was stronger than I was back then. So I could show I'm not the same person anymore... weak."

They were still a good five or so minutes away from Jin's house, but Jimin was caught off guard when Yoongi had stopped all of a sudden, he raised an eyebrow curiously as he looked at his boyfriend who still wasn't moving, not even an inch. Yoongi just looked like he was contemplating something.

"Yoongi, are you okay? Are you tired?" Jimin asked as he looked at his outstretched arm (from Yoongi's sudden stop), eventually trailing his eyes all the way to Yoongi's face. The younger boy let out a yelp as he was pulled in for an unexpected kiss, the Yoongi used his open hand to grab hold on Jimin's waist to bring him even closer.

He rested his forehead on Jimin's as they pulled apart, the younger boy was even more flustered now, okay, maybe more confused, but still extremely flustered. "W-what was that for?" He asked breathlessly to Yoongi who was trying his best to catch his own breath, a soft smile painting his face.

"I uh, just wanted to remind you of how much I love you. Also, you're just so damn kissable." He chuckled while Jimin laughed softly, all before he looked down at his watch, "Oh shoot," the younger boy stressed, "We only have like thee minutes to get there and we're still like five minutes away."

He started to walk fast paced down the street, literally pulling Yoongi from the back in the process, "Hurry up you noodle, we don't have time and I'm not about to get yelled at by hyung." He exasperated as he now started running, the older boy rolled his eyes as he unwillingly started a light jog.

So they ended up being late anyways, Jin stood at the front door, his arms crossed at his chest, right foot tapping impatiently, as he stared down at the late couple, "Some things never change. Huh, Min Yoongi?" The eldest asked and was suddenly accompanied by Namjoon.

"Hey baby, maybe you should just let them come in so this won't be any later than it already is." Namjoon tried to reason with his still scowling boyfriend, he then proceeded to whisper into Jin's ear, making him blush heavily, now moving aside so the two boys can enter his home.

"Welcome to my get-together."

don't come at me for this cringe. i was too lazy to edit it and there's one more chapter after this. (which i'm not going edit either so it'll come out soon :)

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