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"We don't need it, just come back

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"We don't need it, just come back." Jimin whispers before walking back towards his living room leaving Yoongi and Woosung at the door.

The pizza boy watches as Jimin sauntered out of his sight and Yoongi raises a brow at him annoyedly. Just learning that the guy who made Jimin's life a living hell in school was standing right in front of him ticked him off, but he couldn't do anything about it.

Woosung awkwardly hands Yoongi the pizza, "Just take it, I'll take care of the cost." He starts and Yoongi wants to refuse, but the pizza boy continues, "This isn't nearly as much as I took from Jimin, but I still want to do something. I was an asshole."

Yoongi doesn't even respond as he watches Woosung purse his lips together and walk back to his delivery car carefully, trying not to slip and fall along the very icy ground.

The boys lips twist into a frown upon closing the door and bringing the food inside with him in a hesitant manner and Jimin looks at him warily, "Got it for free." He mumbled and placed it down on the table in front of them before taking a seat on the sofa beside Jimin.

The younger boy gave the pizza no attention as he inched closer and closer to Yoongi, until he was close enough to place himself firmly on the older boy's lap.

Yoongi gulped when he realized that Jimin was straddling him and moved his head up slowly to see Jimin's 'innocent' face.

"I'm sad. Kiss me better?" He immediately pouts after asking and when Yoongi becomes flustered, not knowing what to do, Jimin takes Yoongi's hands and places it square on his ass.

His own hands moves back to the front to loosely wrap it around Yoongi's neck and the older boy swallows hard.

Bouncing lightly, Jimin whines out impatiently, "Yoongi~ I don't wanna wait all day!"

The flustered older boy nervously yet carefully moves one hand from Jimin's bottom and slides it against his side, traveling up until he reaches the back of Jimin's head to pull the younger boy closer.

Their foreheads touch each other's and lips are so close all they had to do was move forward less than an inch. While Jimin was expecting to be kissed, Yoongi mumbles quietly against him. "I know you're sad, but are you sure kissing'll make it better?"

Jimin quickly nods yes with no thought and Yoongi sighs in slight disappointment before moving in to place his lips upon the younger's.

It's not that he didn't want to kiss Jimin, don't get him wrong, he definitely wants to kiss him, but he knew that he just wanted this for reassurance.

Reassurance that he was good enough, that he wasn't the same person he was back then, that things weren't still the same as before, everything. Of course Yoongi wants to help him, but he knew this wasn't the right way to go at it. A mere kiss wasn't going to solve all of his problems nor make them all disappear.

Yoongi tries to move his lips against Jimin's passionately and lovingly, though all he keeps getting in return is a sloppy and desperate kiss back from him.

He lets out an involuntary grunt when he starts to feel Jimin's lower body rubbing up against him more.

"H-hey." Yoongi tries to say when their lips separate for just a moment, all the younger ravenette does is hum in response while trailing his plump lips down Yoongi's neck. "J-Jimin, stop. You don't-ah~ want this. This w-won't make you feel bett-..."

"It will, make me feel better, Yoongi~" Jimin bites down on his own bottom lip as he keeps grinding against the older boy, throwing his head back as he starts to feel more pleasure.

It took all of Yoongi's courage to push Jimin to the side, gently of course.

"Jimin, trust me. This isn't going to make anything better... maybe for an hour, but then reality just comes crashing back." He takes one of Jimin's hands in both of his and sighs when he sees the boy's eyes becoming glossy, "This isn't the answer. I want to help you, ba- Jimin, but not like this."

do you think yoongi was right to stop jimin? my friend thinks yoongi should've let jimin do whatever he wants... idk. 🤠 he's super vulnerable so... and still a virgin in this story :)

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