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"Bye Sammy!" Jimin yelled excitedly from his front door, waving at the boy and jumping as he did so, watching his new friend get into his car. Woosung got into the drivers seat, waving to Jimin one last time before the car drove off into the night.

He sighed out in satisfaction, the smile gracing his features never seemed to fade away from his beautiful face. Jimin closed the door as he slowly padded back over to his living room to sit next to his less than enthusiastic boyfriend. Yoongi had his feet kicked up on the table as he tiredly scrolled through his twitter feed.

"What's wrong, Yoongi-ah?" The boy asked plopping himself right down on the cushion, then continued by poking at his boyfriends cheek to which Yoongi grunted and swatted away Jimin's hand.

"Don't scare me like that again." Yoongi demanded, voice stern and serious as he locked eyes with a more than surprised Jimin, "You know I don't trust Woosung around you. Especially if you two are alone, baby boy."

Jimin laid himself on his boyfriend's legs, hugging Yoongi's body as he dug his face into the comfort of his warm chest, "Sorry, Yoongi," He mumbled out like a toddler who had just gotten scolded by their parent.

"But isn't it great?" Jimin asked as he pulled himself away slightly and Yoongi's eyebrow shot up, not knowing at all, "That Sammy and I are friends now." He smiled proudly and returned to clinging onto his boyfriend, but tighter.

"I guess so, Jiminie. Are you sure everything is fine between the two of you though?"

All Yoongi wanted was reassurance to help his over-worried heart, he didn't ever want to see Jimin hurt again. He didn't want to seem over-protective, but it was terrible and painful seeing Jimin cry over not thinking he was perfect, because he is and the boy just can't see it for himself.

"Yes! I swear! We had a heart to heart talk. He's a good person, Yoongi! I know it!" The younger boy spoke confidently not only in his words but also his intuition as Yoongi hesitantly nodded his head, almost believing what Jimin said.

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