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it's hoseok

yeah, i know who you are

unfortunately 😒

ouch hahaha

please don't be like that

so what do you want??

i just want to know something

okay and???

jungkook says you're straight.

but over the time of seen you
lately it looks like you're into him?

i know jungkook thinks that, but something
about how you act around him tells me otherwise.

are you into him?

that's none of your business

so yes?

how'd you-

please, i'm not stupid

i know, i was just giving
you a chance to admit it

just leave me &
jungkook alone

i think that's up to jungkook.

don't you think?

are you trying to make
this a competition????

no offense, but i just learned
that jungkook's been into me

i think i have a better
chance of winning him over.

i'm not into stuff like that

afraid you can't win him over?

no, but he isn't an object
for us to win over....

well, you can't have him

opened -
2 seconds ago

Yoongi stands in front of Jimin's house with a bag filled with various snacks, desserts, and drinks for them to indulge in while watching a movie with each other. He was extremely excited but nervous over this, what if things didn't go as planned and Jimin kicks him out or what things didn't go extremely as planned and they end up...

No. Don't get too ahead of yourself Yoongi.

He shakes the less than appropriate thoughts out of his head, though he didn't mind imagining it and looked into the paper bag he held hoping that he at least brought one thing that Jimin would enjoy.

Gummy worms, popcorn, chips, ice cream, tea, water, lemonade, he had it all. He just wanted to make sure that he didn't screw up this first attempt, or really his second attempt. They did kiss once after all.

Oh. Yoongi, you're blushing again.

He pats one of his pink tinted cheeks with one free hand before finally ringing the doorbell. That was when he realized one important detail...himself. He's clad in an all black outfit consisting of sweatpants and an oversized black shirt complemented with a black hat and a very color theme contrasting silver watch.

"Fuck. I look like shit." Yoongi mumbles to himself and doesn't notice right away that the door was cracked open exposing a small black haired boy smiling at the sight of Yoongi mumbling incoherent words.

Jimin clears his throat and Yoongi visibly stiffens hearing the cough which he didn't know why, but it also sounded cute. Everything about him was perfect, how? He didn't know, science nor scientists would be able to explain this phenomenon that is Park Jimin either.

"H-hey. I brought snacks." Yoongi lifts up the bag and the boy giggles while opening up the door enough for Yoongi to come inside. A shy smile was exchanged between the two and when he's fully inside, the door closes behind them.

taehyung🌟 is typing...

from taehyung🌟!

hobi💞😩 is typing...

from hobi💞😩!

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