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Jimin's doorbell was literally sitting there ready to be rung, but all Yoongi's finger could do was ghost it. Don't get him wrong, he wants to ring it, it's just that something in his head was telling him not to do so.

Why? He was nervous. Literally quaking in his boots. He already made a huge impression and it was neither actually him or a great one. He was known as the guy who insulted Jimin. Yoongi just wants to change that.

A cold breeze flows through and it makes Yoongi jerk  forward a little bit, but what had him questioning if he should run and hide or just stand there was the fact that he accidentally pressed the doorbell, the loud noise echoing throughout his house.

He flinches more when he hears a sweet voice stating that he was coming to the door. Yoongi assumes he hears the boy's socked feet padding softly against his hardwood floor as he walks over to the door.

When the barrier between the two of them opens, Jimin doesn't notice who it was right away, so he opened the door with a smile and Yoongi almost coos at how cute Jimin looks right now. He drinks up the beautiful sight he's given and he doesn't want this feeling to go away, because he knows that if he speaks, the boy's adorable eye smile will disappear.

"Jimin." A shiver runs up said boys spine and he immediately knows who the voice belongs to.

"Yoongi." He says back and he tries to close the door, but Yoongi stops it with his foot.

An agitated groan escapes Jimin's mouth when he sees that Yoongi had stopped his action, "Jimin, please we need to talk. I just want to tell you everything."


Yoongi's mind suddenly puts two and two together and he realizes he could just say everything.

"I want to tell you how amazing, funny, sweet, and beautiful I think you are. You're way out of my league and I don't even know why I'm trying, but I want to know you. I want to-... Jimin?"

He's crying.

"Jimin? What's wrong?" Yoongi asks cautiously moving one arm up hesitantly to cup one side of Jimin's face with his hand. Unsurprisingly, Jimin shoves the boy's hand away. However, the younger boy hugs Yoongi and sobs onto his shoulder.

"You're terrible, Min Yoongi." Jimin sucks in a sharp breath and Yoongi's arms are still hanging awkwardly by his side, "You fl-flirt with me, g-gave me some hope a-and the next thing I know y-you're calling me unattractive. N-now you want to tell me I'm perfect?"

"Make up your mind. I-It's hurting my heart." Yoongi hugs him back.

i'm keeping the original a/n for this one too, because funny enough, this shit book started to rank in fanfiction again today. 🤧😩✊🏻💞

okay. update, somehow we are now ranking in fan fiction.... thank you ~ 😭💙

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