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"Ah, no, don't cry Jimin-ah

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"Ah, no, don't cry Jimin-ah." Yoongi begs and the younger boy is rubbing at his eyes, practically shying away from the older's gaze.

"M'not crying. What're you...-you talking about?" He sniffles which makes Yoongi's face soften up more, if that was possible.

He wasn't always soft around people nor that compassionate, not even for his closest friends, but when it came to Jimin, he wanted nothing more to protect him and remind him endlessly that he's absolutely perfect to him in every aspect.

So it hurt to see someone who's so perfect hurting over being oblivious to it.

Yoongi lets out a sigh and brings Jimin into a hug without even hesitating once, "You're perfect and I'll tell you that every single day, until you believe me." He says and Jimin wants to cry harder.

"T-then why don't y-you want me?" He mumbles against Yoongi's bare neck, making the older boy shudder at the contact, "W-why'd you push me-me away?"

In Jimin's mind, all he was thinking was he wasn't good enough for Yoongi. Of course he wasn't, he was merely Park Jimin, he wasn't special.

However, it was a contradicting thought. Yoongi managed to make him feel more special than any one ever has. Never had his friends or family ever made him feel the same type of 'special' he felt when he was with Yoongi.

It was all different, the 'special' he feels with Yoongi made him feel not only more confident, but it made him feel like he was 'the one', Yoongi's. So it only hurt more when he was rejected by him.

"-Because, I don't want to take advantage of you b- Jimin, you deserve to feel special. You're too precious to be treated like that. You deserve way more." Yoongi coaxes and Jimin literally feels his body go limp in Yoongi's arms.

Yoongi holds him tightly and Jimin hiccups a few times as his crying starts to wind down excessively. 

"Y-y'know," Jimin manages to gasp out and Yoongi cocks up a brow, humming lightly in response, "You were my first ever kiss."

Yoongi's heart palpitates against his chest rapidly when he lets Jimin's words sink in. That was random Yoongi thinks to himself, but still the random comment has him stressing out.

Was he actually Jimin's first kiss? Then he came to remember their first kiss last week and-

"Jimin, I'm so sorry." He slips out and Jimin covers his eyes with his sweater paws in embarrassment after seeing Yoongi's worried expression.

"Are you fine that it was me?"

Jimin's hands came off his face in an instant, "O-OF COURSE!" He yelled realizing immediately how loud he was, "I-I'm fine that it was you." He continued only to see Yoongi nodding, thinking that he disappointed him somehow he kept going, "A-actually, I'm like super glad it was you, because you know, you're like super duper awesome and stuff. Yea."

With that said, Yoongi smiled thinking about the cute blabbering from the ravenette. Jimin himself tried to escape while he could so he wouldn't have to sit there awkwardly anymore, but of course that wasn't the case.

He was yanked down by a certain someone who wasn't participating in that mess over there, his heart skipped a beat when he landed on Yoongi's lap, the older boy smirked at him and told, "I think you're like super duper awesome too."

Jimin wanted to cancel himself so badly. It was so embarrassing. Why'd he have to keep talking?

"You know, you're really cute when you blabber like that." And Jimin was literally melting at Yoongi's words, more the fact that he was just called cute by him, he tucked his head in the nape of the olders neck in an attempt to hide himself.

Jimin feels that he's never related more to a tomato than he has at his moment.

After a solid minute he started speaking incoherently, the words sounding all muffled because his face was still dug deep onto Yoongi's neck. "What Jimin?" He asked him, giggling as he spoke, feeling ticklish from where Jimin still rests his head, his breath hitting the same spot over and over again.

"I-I think I like you, like a lot"

sis, we been knew. anyways, wig! FOREST just reached 4k reads! thank you to the people who read it for that 💞🤧 that story is literally my life right now.

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