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Yoongi sat in the café for a good few hours waiting for Jimin to get off his shift or at least get onto a break.

All seemed to be going well until his lids started feeling heavier and heavier with each passing minute, closing his eyes for 10 minutes can't hurt right? He's been sitting there for hours, what's a few minutes of shut eye?

Wrong choice.

Unfortunately for Yoongi, Jimin took that as a golden opportunity to skedaddle out of there and escape to his home. It wasn't until another hour later he was being poked by an employee.

He didn't want to open his eyes, wanting to stay in that cozy area for a few more minutes, until reality struck him in an instant. Yoongi's eyes shoot open at an alarming speed and the first thing he does is look at the employee who just woke him up.

"P-Park Jimin." He stuttered as he tried to find the time, "Where'd he go?"

The barista points towards the back door and keeps her eyes focused on Yoongi, "He left through the back like an hour or two ago."

Of course he did.


"You're welcome!"

Jungkook grins cutely as he hands Hoseok back his phone. He typed in his phone number so that they could keep in touch after their day well spent together.

"Promise you'll text me, hyung?" He questions and Hoseok quickly wraps his arms around Jungkook to hug him, "Ah of course, why would I not?" The action has the young boy a blushing mess, but he couldn't stop himself from liking the embrace he was receiving.

Something about having a person you might have a chance with show such affection made him feel as though maybe love for him wasn't hopeless.

Especially since Taehyung wasn't ever going to see him as more than a friend, he realized that he should come to terms with reality before he gets too invested and gets hurt, Hoseok wasn't looking like too bad of a person he could spend some time with.

"Kook, let's go. It's getting late." Taehyung says boredly and Hoseok glances at him for a moment, something about Taehyung told him that he was jealous, but he decided to brush it off. Only because Jungkook had told him that his friend wasn't into guys anyways.

Jungkook doesn't want to let go of Hoseok, but he does anyways. A toothy smile appears on his face as he pecks Hoseok's cheek as a part of his goodbye.

"Bye hyung~! See you soon!"

Hoseok was sure he melted right then and there.

i'm keeping the original a/n from this chapter, lmfao. listen to arie from 2018 for good luck 🤪💞🤧😩✊🏻

hello~ I'm just hear to say that I just published a new book called ツイッター(Twitter) , it's a vkook focused fanfiction and will start being updated daily after I finish Snapchat. The prologue and first chapter are out now and need some love, it would mean the world if you'd check it out !! Thank you ~

「shameless self promo」

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