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"Taehyung! Wait

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"Taehyung! Wait." Jungkook runs up to him as they approach the steps to Jin's house. Taehyung turns around instantly and stops for Jungkook to catch up with him.

Taehyung stares at him and brushes Jungkook's bangs out of his eyes as the younger boy looks up at him, "Yeah Jungkook? What's up?" Jungkook seems to brighten up at the mention of the nickname and goes into to hug Taehyung, causing the older boy's breath to hitch.

The smell of vanilla on Jungkook makes Taehyung want to hold him closer, and he does.

Jungkook squeals at that and smiles as he looks at Taehyung, "Thank you."

"Huh?" Taehyung's voice rises a bit, "For what? I didn't do anything." He says and Jungkook immediately shakes his head, disagreeing with him.

"The message." He responded back. "I was confused at first, I didn't like anyone but you since we were in high school. So when I felt that way about someone else, I got scared."

Taehyung took his hands and put them on each of Jungkook's shoulders to push him back a bit so they could actually talk. "Kookie, why? What're you talking about? Scared?"

Jungkook pursed his lips and darted his eyes to the side, "Yeah, I just... I was scared. I've never liked anyone the way I liked you, so when I felt that way about y'know... Hoseok? It was something new and I was scared of... moving on, I guess. Yeah, it scared me."

Taehyung brought Jungkook back into the hug as he felt the tears starting to form. "I'm sorry," Taehyung stroked the back of Jungkook's head as he tried his best to not let his voice sound shaky, "I put you through so much and I was so inconsiderate. I even tried to change your mind at the last minute. I'm so bad. I'm sorry."

Jungkook just laughed and shook his head again, "I get it and you've put up with so much. Me always being clingy, but we'll always be friends." He says with a smile, a single tear running down his face as he hugged Taehyung back tighter.

"This is nice," Jungkook suddenly spoke again, "It's like the end of a chapter, with a new one ready to begin."

Taehyung hummed in agreement, patting at Jungkook's back as a signal for them to part. Before Jungkook looked back up however, Taehyung slyly wiped his tears away and smiled at the younger boy.

"Koo!" Hoseok gets their attention as he walks to their direction, "You're late too, huh?" He jokes and swings an arm around Jungkook's shoulders. When Hoseok hears him sniffle, he looks over to Jungkook's face and frowns in worry.

"Baby, were you crying?" Jungkook nods but instantly reassured Hoseok by kissing him on the cheek, "It's all okay, I swear."

Taehyung gives Jungkook a thumbs up and goes over to open Jin's door without even ringing the doorbell first, which took Hoseok by surprise. Even Jungkook walked right in so he reluctantly followed, feeling like he just broke into someone's home.

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