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"Then this isn't going to last very long." Jimin laughs incredulously and carefully moves Yoongi's hand from his face and the other out of his own hand.

The action makes the black haired boy frown and he takes a seat next to Jimin. He didn't really know the boy at all, but he still didn't like knowing how much he puts himself down.

Sure, no one is perfect, but in Yoongi's eyes he was blind to all the small and insignificant things Jimin's worried about. Jimin is the epitome of perfect to Yoongi.

"First." Yoongi smiles at Jimin, the blonde misses it because he's too busy keeping his focus elsewhere, "Your hands."

Jimin's head pops up and he looks at Yoongi weirdly, "My hands? You're kidding right?" He asks, but much to his amusement Yoongi shakes his head, "B-but they're so small and chubby."

Yoongi takes Jimin's hands in his again and he looks at it, "Look." He says and Jimin looks down at his and Yoongi's hand intertwined with each other, "Look how perfectly your hand fits with mine, just the way I like it."

Jimin tried his hardest to bite back the blush that he knew was starting to appear on his face, Yoongi was quick to see the younger boy's reaction and he smiled to himself. So without letting go of Jimin's hand, he continued.

"Your hair, it's perfect. It always looks so fluffy and-" Yoongi stops himself to run his other hand through it and just as he had expected, his hair felt amazing to the touch. Eventually, his hand trailed down to the side of Jimin's face and he cups his hand on his cheek. "This." He says and Jimin's eyes flutter shut out of embarrassment.

Yoongi's thumb brushes the boys soft cheek. If he's honest, it startled him a little because it felt too unreal. He was so caught up in that, he almost failed to see the single tear stream out of Jimin's closed eye. Without a second thought, he wipes it away for him.

"Why're you crying?" He asks softly and Jimin sucks in a sharp breath, "I-I've always hated them, people used to make fun of me because of it."

Right now Yoongi wanted nothing more than to find whoever said that and set something straight with them. Were they blind? They wouldn't know perfection even if it came and slapped them in the face.

"These are perfect you know? Your eyes too." Yoongi says and the hand that cupped Jimin's cheek suddenly travel back up and he delicately runs his finger on his eyelid. "Can I see?" He says so quietly he's pretty much whispering at this point.

Though reluctant at first, Jimin opens them and he looks down towards the ground, "Look at me?" He begs and Jimin complies.

Yoongi admittedly fell too deep into Jimin's almost black coffee colored eyes, not that he minded of course. Funnily enough, Yoongi never really payed attention to small details like that, but something about Jimin made him want to learn more and everything about him.

Every small new thing he found only made Jimin seem more perfect.

"A-are you okay?" Jimin suddenly asks.

"Uh yeah." Yoongi breathes out awkwardly, "I'm sorry, I just got lost in your eyes. They're amazing."

Jimin clamps his mouth shut and lets a pink blush spread across is plump cheeks.

He was just trying his best to not be affected, but it wasn't working, he felt his heart skip a beat. "And those lips of yours." Yoongi says as his eyes land square on it.

"So. Damn. Kissable." Yoongi moves in closer with each word their foreheads touching each other, they both breathe in slowly taking in each other's scent and Yoongi whispers, "Can I?"

Actions speak louder than words.

Jimin pulls Yoongi in closer and less than a second later, their lips land on each other's.

It takes the older boy by surprise, but he reciprocates the kiss by deepening it. One of Yoongi's hands drop down to Jimin's waist and the other is on the boys face, cupping his cheek.

jeonglebook is typing...

from jeonglebook!

instead of the beach could
we go to an aquarium?

it's going to be kind of cold and i think
seeing little fishies will be funner !!

only if it's okay with you though!

of course! it's perfectly fine, as
long as you're there with me :))

great! the aquarium it is!

bye hyung! 💞

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lil' cutie💞

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