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"I-I love my eyes." He mumbles out again, it wasn't the greatest answer, but he didn't want the tension between Yoongi and Taehyung growing any more than it already had.

Jin on the other hand smiles genuinely at Jimin, his eyes becoming the shape of a crescent moon. He felt extremely proud at that moment, that Jimin was able to answer a question like that having known how much he's struggled with loving himself.

Unfortunately, he was too busy making sure that the night was good enough, he failed to see how upset Jimin actually was.

"I'm so proud of you, Jimin." Taehyung whispers into his ears lovingly, the boy nodding softly at his words. He gave Jimin a quick hug and trekked back over to his seat. As he sat down, Jungkook took the opportunity to lay himself against the boy he likes.

Taehyung faced Yoongi to glare and stick his tongue out at him, the action making him seem like a toddler.

Yoongi shakes off the boy's weird action and tries to keep his focus on Jimin. He's still sitting there beside him on the ground and stays that way just admiring the blonde headed boys' beautiful hooded eyes, they truly are ethereal, he thinks to himself.

He'd seen them multiple times on Snapchat before, but it was nothing compared to what it was like in real life. Yoongi never looked at them the way he did now until Jimin had mentioned that it's what he loves most about himself. Yoongi could clearly see why the blonde would think that way about them. He was awestruck at how perfect they were. This was when Min Yoongi knew.

'I want him.'

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