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"Sammy stop. W-w-why are you d-doing this to me?" The boy cried his eyes out, choking in between sobs as he felt that his heart was currently shattering into a million pieces.

"I-I'm so sorry." Woosung apologized while also crying his eyes out next to the boy as they munched away on buttered popcorn.

The movie was hella depressing.

The movie was about a cute dog, Woosung had brought it over to watch, fully expecting the movie to be completely cute and upbeat but never had he been so off about this. He learned to never trust movies that revolve around dogs, the hard way.

The boys grew engrossed in the movie and continued to cry at the sad scene that seemed to go on forever, when the door opened vastly. Yoongi scanned the room to find his boyfriend and Woosung side by side on the sofa, Jimin's shoulder shaking due to his uncontrollable tears.

"Jimin-ah! Baby boy, why are you crying?" The older boy rushed over to his boyfriend who currently had his mouth full of the popcorn, making his cheek puff out while endless tears seemed to trickle down both sides of his adorable face.

Yoongi felt his heart melt at the sight, but remembered that he was supposed to be mad and give Woosung a piece of his mind. I mean he even rehearsed this in the car!

However, when he looked over to Woosung who also had tears streaming down his face, he grew confused rather than mad. "Why are you both crying?" He asked sternly, Jimin couldn't speak so he just pointed at the screen and Yoongi immediately understood.

"You're such a cry baby." He teased only to have Jimin hit his arm lightly, having no power due to the fact that he was wasting all his energy on crying. "My cute little cry baby." Yoongi corrected as he wiped away Jimin's tears with his thumbs.

"What are you guys doing anyways?" Yoongi asked openly to the both of them, but was expecting for Jimin to reply. Surprisingly, Woosung was the one who answered. "I wanted to m-make things okay b-b-between us and so I brought a movie over." He told, "I didn't expect the m-movie to be so damn sad." He exasperated and Jimin smiled.

"T-those who cry t-together stay together." That one sentence that left Jimin's mouth caught everyone off guard, "W-we're friends now. Right, Sa-Sammy?" He asked cutely, while Woosung nodded fast without even thinking, since there was really nothing to think about.


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