Chapter 2

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During the next two days, there didn't come in a case for the FBI, so Luke could spend those days with Lucy. She was glad he didn't have to hurry away to another state just when she had come to D.C. Instead, he showed her the surroundings and where she found all the important shops like grocery stores and pharmacies. He also told her which were his favorite restaurants or Take Aways.

While they strolled through the streets, accompanied by Roxy, the siblings were joking around and at some point, Lucy linked her arm with Luke's. She realized how much she enjoyed being with her brother. Six months had been way too long. She had missed him too much.

He had been in Iraq for a long time and then he almost immediately went to D.C. and started to work for the FBI. Lucy barely has had a chance to even have a whole conversation with him. It was about time now to spend days together.

"Want some coffee?", Luke suddenly asked and glanced at her. Lucy nodded.

"I'd die for a coffee."

He laughed and brought her to one of the coffee shops that weren't too far away from Luke's apartment. "That's my favorite. And as I know'll be your favorite too", Luke grinned they sat down at one of the tables and Roxy immediately lay down at Luke's feet.

"Even dogs are allowed in here?", Lucy quietly asked, being astonished.

"Yep. That's why I love this place", Luke chuckled. "What do you want?", he then asked and was about to stand up again. The coffee had to be collected at the counter only a few feet away from where Luke and Lucy were sitting.

"Latte Macchiato", she said and Luke grinned widely.

"Nothing's changed within the last months", he commented as he made his way to the counter and ordered the coffees. While Lucy was waiting, she looked around the little shop. It wasn't a big one, in fact, there were only about ten tables in here. But everything was beautifully decorated, the dark wooden tables and the bright seats and chairs made it look cozy, especially on rainy and cold winter days. Lucy felt comfortable, that was for sure. Yes, Luke was right. This could be her favorite coffee shop in D.C. as well.

"Here." Luke had come back and put a large cup of coffee in front of Lucy.

"Thank you", she said with a smile and took a sip. "Oh, wow. That's an amazing Latte Macchiato!" She couldn't hide her surprise.

Luke raised an eyebrow at her. "What? You thought just because this is my favorite place to have a coffee it wouldn't be as good as you know it from New York?"

Lucy shrugged. " were always okay with a cup of coffee with a bit of milk in it. You get that everywhere. But you don't get a good Latte Macchiato at every corner", Lucy explained while her fingers clenched around the hot cup.

"You know, I missed you", Luke simply said and smiled at her. Lucy couldn't help but smile back. Her brother was everything to her and to be with him again just made her feel so much better than she had felt during those last months. Maybe she would be able to forget here. She really hoped so.


Lucy and Luke had just settled on the table to have some breakfast the next day, when Luke's phone suddenly started to ring. Sighing, he answered it. "Alvez?" He listened for a moment and then said: „Alright, I'll be there in half an hour."

Questioning, Lucy glanced at her brother. "A new case?", she assumed and when he nodded she bit her lips. She had been aware that Luke would have a new case sooner or later. But she had wished that she could spend at least one more day with him.

While Lucy finished her breakfast, Luke hurried to get his to-to-bag packed and then gorged one of the croissants. "Do you want to join me to work?", Luke asked and surprised, Lucy looked up.

"What? Really?"

He nodded. "Sure. I'd like you to meet my team." A smile had formed on his full lips.

"Don't you have to leave like immediately for a case?", Lucy wondered.

"Well, we have to get all the facts first anyway and until they get through to us, we still have some minutes", he explained and Lucy could see that he was eager for her to meet the team. Lucy stood up.

"Okay, give me just ten minutes!" She ran into her room to get dressed and then into the bathroom to get her long dark hair into an acceptable shape. But it was a mess. So, she decided to wear a ponytail then. Grabbing her bag, Lucy joined Luke in the corridor. He was ready to leave, Roxy by his side.

While they drove to the bureau of the Behavioral Analysis Unit, Lucy felt excitement crawling up her chest. She'd never had a chance to get to know Luke's new colleagues and friends since he was in D.C. and now, that they were on their way, she couldn't wait to finally meet them.

"Would you mind looking after Roxy when we're away?", Luke asked as they slowly entered the parking garage.

"Of course, I'd look after Roxy. I'd love to spend some time with her", Lucy smiled. She was glad she wouldn't have to be alone, although Luke would be away. She still felt a bit uneasy whenever she was all alone. With Roxy, that wouldn't happen. The dog would distract Lucy from all her thoughts.

"Thank you", Luke sighed. "I don't think I could have brought her into the jet. She hates flying. And paying some dog hotel is expensive as hell."

Lucy laughed at his words and looked at him in disbelief. "You seriously took her to an airport and into a plane?"

"Yeeeah, in the cargo hold, of course! Or how do you think I took her from New York to D.C.? But...she already freaked out there so I don't think I have a chance to take her to a case at the moment", he explained while Lucy still laughed. Oh, she loved this dog. And she could totally imagine her brother feeling a bit helpless and annoyed by his beloved pet sometimes. Roxy was amazing, but she was also stubborn and would drive Luke insane sometimes.

When they stepped through the glass door, Lucy looked around the room immediately. It was filled with desks, covered with paper and lots of files. Some people were sitting at their desks, their heads buried in files and some were standing around, talking and holding a cup of tea or coffee in their hands. Those people must be Luke's colleagues, Lucy assumed as she followed her brother straightly towards them.

"Oh, who's that?", Penelope asked as soon as she spotted Lucy. The blonde technical analyst examined her from head to toe but not in a way that would make Lucy feel uncomfortable. She just seemed to be curious.

"Guys, that's Lucy, my little sister", Luke introduced her to his friends and Penelope was the first to come and give her a hug.

"Oh, my god, I'm so pleased to finally meet you! Luke has talked a lot about you!", she exclaimed, what made Lucy laugh.

"Really? God, hopefully he didn't mention anything bad from when we were kids or something like that", she chuckled. Penelope was so sincere, that Lucy couldn't help but just like her from the very beginning. The blonde woman laughed.

"Oh, he only told us good and nice things about you!", she assured Lucy. Then she got to shake hands with David Rossi, JJ, Tara Lewis and Emily Prentiss.

"Nice to meet you", Emily said with a smile.

"And our very own genius, Doctor Spencer Reid", Luke introduced the last of the group and pointed at a young man with some brown, curly and messy hair and warm, brown eyes. He gave her a slight smile as he reached out a hand and grabbed hers to shake it. Lucy sensed that the others of the team looked at him in huge surprise and wondered why. But she didn't dare to ask.

"Hi, nice to meet you", she said instead and smiled at him.

Spencer's smile grew a bit wider. "Nice to meet you too."

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