Chapter 49

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"How the hell did the unsub get his hands on letters that are this old?!", JJ exclaimed. Everyone looked clueless. No one had an idea how someone could have gotten those letters. They mostly wouldn't exist anymore or were in museums. The team remained quiet; they couldn't answer JJs question. They were wondering as well. Lucy bit her lips while she tried to find a logical solution. Those letters were old, she could see that. Everyone could. And the words...they were desperate. They were telling about the incredibly hard lives in those concentration camps. About hope and desperation. About how those people lost beloved family members and didn't know what was waiting for them the next day. The constant fear that they might not survive the next day, or even the next hour. Lucy wasn't sure she'd be able to read them all and not break out into tears while doing so. It was incredibly emotional.

Lucy put the photos away and snuggled closer to Spencer, leaning her head against his shoulder. "You okay?", he quietly asked. Lucy nodded. What else should she say? That she was a bit troubled by all of this? The team already knew and it wouldn't help anybody if she'd say it out loud now. She wanted to help the team with this case. She wanted her brother, her boyfriend and the others to solve this case.

When the jet had landed in Albuquerque, the team got split into groups. Spencer took Lucy to the police station so she could look at other letters. Luke and Emily went to the forensic institute, Rossi, JJ and Tara headed off to the last crime scene.

When Lucy and Spencer entered the police station, she could feel her heart beating faster against her chest. "You don't have to be nervous", Spencer muttered as they followed the detective to a table that was loaded with files. Lucy slowly sat down on one of the chairs and looked up to Spencer. He seated himself right next to his girlfriend and grabbed one of the files. He moved it over to Lucy. Hesitating at first, she grabbed and opened it. More letters. Lucy held back a sigh and started to read. Spencer kept sitting next to her after he had been gone for some minutes just to return with two cups of coffee. Lucy's with milk, of course.

"I can't believe that for once I'm not the one who can read through all these files within a few minutes", he said, leaning back in his chair. Lucy smirked at him. "But German's just one of those languages I've never learned."

"You could still learn it, though", Lucy said and their eyes met for a moment.

"What's written in them?", Spencer curiously asked and leaned over the file Lucy had put back on the table.

She sighed. "Terrible things", she eventually said. "Those people have been desperate. They were trying to keep hope and faith that they might be saved. But most of them didn't have any more strength to fight. A woman wrote about how the Nazis took away her two years old daughter and killed her in one of the gas chambers. A girl wrote a letter to her parents after she found out that they're dead and wished that she could join them since it was so horrific and unbearable in those camps." Lucy stopped and looked at Spencer. Without saying a word, Spencer pulled her into a tight embrace.

"I'm sorry you have to be here and read all these terrible things", he murmured into her hair. Lucy shook her head and pulled away again.

"It's okay, really. I want to help you guys finding whoever kills those people the same way the Nazis killed innocent Jews." She gave Spencer a little smile and then returned to the letters. She wanted to read as many as possible before the rest of the team would show up here.


Hours later, the whole team was sitting or standing around in a room the police had provided to them. And they still didn't have any clue who could be the murderer of all those people. "Alright, what do we have so far?", Luke asked with a sigh. He leaned back in his chair and glanced at the team and his sister.

"Well...", Rossi started, folding his arms in front of his chest while he walked up and down the room. "We've got several dead bodies, killed by execution, with gas or they starved. And we've got those damn German letters from World War II. And..that's it." He threw his hands up in the air and let out a frustrated groan. The others just nodded. They were feeling as frustrated as their colleague was.

Biting her bottom lip, Lucy stared at the letters once more while she listened to the others talking. She tried to put together the pieces they had already. And suddenly, she didn't know how and why, Lucy literally jumped from her chair. Everyone looked at her in surprise. "What's the matter?", Spencer asked.

"What...what if the unsub is German himself or at least knows the language? I mean, why should he have those German letters when he wouldn't be able to read them?"

" might be right", Emily murmured. "But...couldn't it be a woman as well?"

Spencer immediately shook his head at Emily's question. "A woman wouldn't kill with such brutality. She wouldn't torture her victims like this", he explained before he took a sip of his third coffee within the last three hours.

"But there's still the question why he kills like this", Rossi murmured, stroking his beard absentmindedly.

"Maybe...maybe he wants revenge? For whatever reason?" No one answered Lucy's conclusions. They were all lost in their own thoughts as well. There was still no connection between the victims. How would they find the unsub like this? It was extremely frustrating. Lucy examined her brother, boyfriend and the others. She could see how hard they were thinking, how hard they were trying to find a way to this killer as fast as possible. But if there weren't any indications, it would be hard, extremely hard.

Sighing, Lucy got up from the chair she had been sitting in for the last hours and made her way to the coffee machine. She needed another coffee. And the others looked like they could use one more too. Some minutes later, Lucy brought them all a cup of the steamy beverage, together with some sugar and milk, so everyone could put in their coffee what they liked.

"Thank you, dear", JJ said as she put a piece of sugar into her coffee.


It was way past midnight when Spencer suddenly exclaimed that a thought had just crossed his mind. Lucy, who had been sleeping with her head on the desk, startled and looked up. The others glanced at Spencer in expectation. "Alright, genius. What have you got?", Rossi said groaning as he stretched his limbs.

"I finally found a connection between the victims!", Spencer exclaimed excitedly. "We've found out so far that they all seem to be descendants of Jews that survived World War II. It looks as if the unsub is trying to finish what the Nazis couldn't do." Spencer's voice had become more and more quiet with every word he said. This theory was terrifying but everyone in the room knew, that this was the closest solution they had come to until now.

Suddenly, the whole team came to their feet and left the room. Lucy stayed in there, watching them go. She knew, they were going to give the profile to the police.

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