Chapter 22

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Not only a week later Lucy had to go to trial and tell the judge about that February night. She had been nervous all week long and Luke and Spencer had tried their best to calm her down – without much success. She bit her nails, she sometimes walked around her apartment in the middle of the night when she couldn't sleep, and she even had asked Luke to take Roxy for some days just be distracted a bit. The German shepherd had something that could help Lucy relax a bit. She wasn't alone then and could talk to someone – no matter if the dog could understand her or not. And she'd have someone to cuddle with. Smiling, Luke had agreed and Roxy had lived at Lucy's for three days.

Now Lucy was sitting at trial, surrounded by people – some she knew, some that were strangers to her – that all stared at her, waiting for her to continue with her story. Her hands were slightly shaking and she hid them under the table. Her heart was beating so fast in her chest, she thought it might jump out of her body.

Damien Peters was sitting there, on her left side, next to his lawyer. A smile creeped on his lips every now and then, as if he was sure he'd get out of here disregarded. As if no one could bring him into prison. As if he wasn't guilty, no matter that he had confessed everything in the interrogation room at the BAU and here, in the trial as well. He still thought he'd get out of here. And Lucy felt like throwing up every time she looked at him. He had been one of those who had destroyed months of her life. Who had made her feel guilty for something she had to do to survive. Anger crawled up her chest and she had to concentrate to listen to the judge's words.

"Miss, what happened after you stabbed one of the young men?" The judge's voice was low and soft. And Lucy felt that he really wanted to figure out what happened and wanted to help her. She took some deep breaths and turned around before she answered. Behind her there were Luke and Spencer, together with the rest of their team. They were all here to support Lucy. And she suddenly felt much stronger. So, she told the judge exactly about it. Every detail she could remember, she mentioned. When she had finished, the judge nodded and got up from his chair.

"We'll meet here again in two hours", he said as he left the court room. Lucy watched him and the jury leave and then slowly left her place to go to her brother and the others. JJ gave her an encouraging smile and Luke pulled Lucy into a hug.

"They'll say that you're not guilty and he is. I know it", Penelope said fiercely.

"I hope so", Lucy murmured and wished this would already be over. It had been nerve-wrecking. And all she wanted was to finally start all over.

"Come on, let's have some coffee." Spencer had come closer and now put an arm around Lucy's shoulder to lead her out of the court. She just nodded and followed him, glad that he was here and supported her as much as he could. It meant a lot to her that he tried to care for her. During those last days, she had started to fully realize that she really liked Spencer. She felt better when he was with her and although it mostly wasn't his intention, he could make her laugh although she wouldn't feel like it.

Bringing her away from all the people now was what Lucy just needed and Spencer had sensed it. They hurried to the coffee shop on the other side of the street and Lucy waited in a corner for Spencer, who was ordering her Macchiato and his Americano. With a smile and two cups he came back and handed one to her. "Thank you", she quietly said and carefully took a sip. Oh, how good it felt to get some caffeine into her veins right now!

"Are you worried?", Spencer asked and his brown eyes were examining her face to search for some reaction. Lucy was aware that she was looking tired and tensed to everyone around her. Well, she was tired. And she was tensed, literally constantly. This all had been so tiring. But Lucy shrugged at Spencer's question.

"Not really, I guess. Well, maybe I am. But...I mean...I can't change anything, you know? What happened, happened. I did what I did. Let's see what the jury will say." She took another sip of her coffee and tried not to look into Spencer's eyes. If she'd do, she might break down, she thought. Instead, Lucy hurried to finish her coffee before they returned to the trial. She was so nervous, she had a hard time hiding it. Her hands were still shaking, she felt sick and her heart was racing. At this point, Lucy just wanted everything to be over, no matter how it would end.


Half an hour later, Lucy felt the biggest relief ever as she first felt Luke's and then Spencer's arms throwing around her and pulling her in the tightest embrace. They all laughed, happiness filling the court room now. And Lucy couldn't hold back any tears. She was free. Damien Peters would go into jail for at least five years and couldn't do any harm to her or others anymore. She could finally start all over.

When Spencer and Luke finally let her go from their hugs, Lucy turned to the rest of the team; a beaming smile on her face and her cheeks wet from the tears. "Thank you so much, guys", she sobbed and immediately found herself in Penelope's arms.

"Awww, you're so welcome, sweetheart!", she exclaimed and Lucy laughed. She was so thankful for their support and knew, without the BAU, she wouldn't have been able to make it through all of this. Without Luke's team, Damien Peters would still be walking around.

"I kind of owe you my life", Lucy quietly said what made everyone teary-eyed and more hugs followed.

"So, what do you guys think about having some fancy dinner somewhere? The bill's on me!", Rossi eventually said with a grin and there was no one who said no to that invitation.

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