Chapter 75

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A bit nervous, Lucy waited for Emily and JJ to catch her up. It was the day of her bachelorette party and from what Penelope had told her, it was going to be amazing. But Lucy had a feeling as if this could turn out a bit embarrassing for her, although she had told her friend not to do any embarrassing things. "You know Garcia, she's going to do all the fun things", JJ had told Lucy with a big grin. Oh, of course, they all knew what would happen today. Everyone except for Lucy.

She had to hold back any questions when JJ and Emily drove her through the city. It was a beautiful day in July and Lucy was wondering where they were going. "Can't you give me the slightest hint?", she eventually asked, but both, JJ and Emily, shook their heads.

"Garcia didn't allow us to say anything", Emily said, shrugging. Lucy sighed and leaned back in the car. She knew she didn't have a chance to find out something.

"If she's going to do embarrassing stuff I'm gonna kill her", Lucy muttered under her breath while she looked out the window. Only a few minutes later, they finally arrived. And when Lucy got out of the car, she couldn't hide her surprise. "Oh, my god, Penelope!", she exclaimed as she walked towards her friend. With the biggest grin on her face, Penelope was standing in the middle of the park, together with Tara. They had prepared one of the biggest and nicest looking picnics Lucy had ever seen. There were sandwiches, champagne, fruits, and cake. "This is awesome!" Lucy hugged her friend and her maid of honor.

Penelope laughed. "Come on, sit down!" She already grabbed the bottle of champagne and filled the glasses. Laughing, they all let themselves sink on the fluffy blanket and the cushions and after clinking glasses, they spoiled the picnic basket.

"Be honest, that's not everything, isn't it?", Lucy asked some time later. Penelope giggled and shook her head.

"Of course, it's not! There's a lot ahead of you, my beautiful future bride!" She raised her glass. "And now, we'd love to know how Spencer proposed to you! You still haven't told us yet!" The others agreed full-throated and so, Lucy didn't have any other option than telling them about how he had bent down on one knee and asked her. A lot of awwww's and ooooh's were heard while she told her friends the engagement story.

The ladies' day – and night – was to be continued in Lucy's and Penelope's favorite bar. Penelope had made Lucy wearing a little bridal veil so everyone at the bar could see that she was about to marry. "Please...this is embarrassing", Lucy whined but Penelope shook her head.

"Oh dear, it's going to be even more embarrassing!", she squealed joyfully. Lucy rolled her eyes.

"Oh god, what have you got in store? Come on, tell me so I can prepare myself", Lucy groaned. In that moment, a police officer joined them. One, that looked amazing. And only seconds later, Lucy felt her cheeks burn and she wanted to slap Penelope. Although Lucy had told her maid of honor more than once that she'd prefer a bachelorette party without any strippers, she had brought one. "Oh, dear god!", Lucy shrieked but had to laugh at the same time. The BAU ladies were cheering and laughing and had the biggest fun in a long time. And although Lucy felt embarrassed, she couldn't help but have fun too. After the show, Penelope came back from the bar with two bottles of prosecco. She hurried to fill the glasses.

The bottle was empty way too fast, JJ thought, and went back to the bar, followed by Tara. Lucy had told them to please not bring any prosecco or champagne anymore. She has had enough of this. She rather wanted to drink a mojito or a caipirinha. And JJ fulfilled her wish as she brought over a strawberry mojito. "Aaaah, I love you!", Lucy exclaimed laughing, as she took the glass from her friend. Yes, that was better than any prosecco or champagne.

As the night went on, there was even more alcohol and soon Lucy noticed that dizzy, lightheaded feeling she always got when she drank too much. She laughed and danced and just had a lot of fun; she didn't care if she had too much alcohol tonight. It was her bachelorette party! And it was one of the best nights she'd ever had with her friends. At four in the morning, Penelope grabbed Lucy's hand. "Maybe...", she swallowed, "we it a night and go...home." She was clearly drunk and Lucy giggled. Oh, she was drunk as well. And so were JJ, Emily and Tara.

"Yeeaaaaah, maybe we should", Emily murmured. So, they all made their way to Emily's huge apartment. She had offered the ladies to spend the night there and having a brunch the next morning. And they all had agreed. As soon as they were at home, Lucy let herself fall on one of the beds and fell asleep almost immediately.

The next morning – well, early afternoon – Lucy woke up and her first thought was that she was going to die. Her head was hurting more than ever and she felt nauseous. Groaning, she rolled to one side and slowly sat up. The dizzy feeling started to get more intense. Lucy squinted her eyes for a moment, hoping the feeling would go away again.

"Oh, you look amazing", a tiny voice came from the door. It belonged to Penelope, who now came lumbering into the bedroom in which Lucy had slept with JJ. The blonde agent was still asleep.

"Same to you", Lucy murmured and rubbed her face. How could she be so hangover? Did they really drink that much? She asked Penelope.

"I guess, we have", the blonde replied. "Oh god, my head is about to explode." Penelope pressed her fingers against her temples but the pain didn't seem to disappear.

While Penelope and Lucy were just sitting on the bed, the other women slowly woke up too. And they were all pretty much hungover. "Coffee anyone?", Emily asked and everyone nodded. Oh yes, coffee would maybe help, Lucy thought.

But it didn't help enough, they had to realize after having at least two cups. "I guess we should go home", JJ eventually murmured and got up from where she had been sitting for almost another hour. The others agreed. They just wanted to crawl into their own beds and get a bit more sleep to get rid of the hangover.

When Lucy entered her and Spencer's apartment, her fiancé was sitting on the couch, his head buried in one of his book. When Lucy came to him and curled up on the couch, with her head in Spencer's lap, he put the book away. "Hey, babe", he said and leaned down to press a kiss on her forehead.

"Hey", she murmured with closed eyes. There was a suffering expression on her face and Spencer chuckled.

"Too many drinks?", he asked.

"Way too many", Lucy groaned. "I feel like dying."

"Wait a minute." Chuckling, Spencer stood up and disappeared in the bath room. A moment later, he came back, with two Aspirin in his hands. "Here, take these. They'll help." He hurried to bring her a glass of water and Lucy swallowed the pills. And then, while she was laying there on the couch, Spencer told her about his party. That he and the other males from the team including Derek, had been sitting at Rossi's, where they had been drinking expensive Whiskey and Scotch while playing poker. And that the ones that were married already, had wanted to give Spencer advices.

Lucy chuckled. "And, did you take any of those advices?", she asked. Her headache was getting better, thankfully.

"Well, yeah, some of it didn't sound so bad. can't compare marriages to one another." He leaned in and kissed Lucy. Well, she could only agree.

"I'm sure Rossi was all about marriage advice. Although he's been married four times", Lucy said between two kisses and Spencer laughed.

"Oh, you have no idea", he chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her.

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