Chapter 47

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After Luke had been gone, Spencer had chuckled at Lucy and after minutes, he'd finally made her take off her clothes and getting into bed. "I'm not tired", she murmured, but buried her face in the pillow.

"You are. But first, you should drink some water." Spencer crawled into bed as well, holding a bottle of water in his hands. Lucy grabbed it and took some gulps. Spencer watched her with an amused smile. Lucy didn't realize that she was amusing him. She just put the bottle on her bedside table and then finally snuggled under the duvet. The world was spinning around again, even when she closed her eyes, everything felt dizzy.

"Spence", she murmured; her eyes closed.


"Love you", she replied and sighing, she cuddled into his embrace after he'd turned out the lights. "You think I regre' dis in the mornin'?"

Spencer chuckled and brushed some hair out of her face. "Well...maybe. But you'll be alright." He kissed Lucy's forehead and only seconds after that, he could hear her steady breathing. She was asleep.


The next morning came way too early for Lucy. Groaning, she tried to open her eyes; just to close them again when the sunbeams blinded her and a sharp pain rushed through her head. She buried her face in the pillow. Drinking so much wasn't a good idea, she thought as she started another try to open her eyes properly. Her head felt as if a truck had run over it. It took Lucy some more minutes to turn on her left side. She'd expected Spencer to be lying next to her, but the bed was empty. Frowning, Lucy turned on the other side. She'd thought he'd be here since the team was supposed to have two days off.

A slight feeling of disappointment formed in her chest. But then she told herself that this was just ridiculous. If Spencer would have gone to work, then it was to save lives. It was just now, that Lucy found a glass of water, an aspirin and a little note on her bedside table. She took the pill, swallowed it with a gulp of water and then read the note.


I'm sorry I had to leave but Emily called and told me that there's so much paper work to do that we must come in today to get most of it done before we have a new case. I'll try to hurry and get back to you as soon as possible.

I love you, Spencer

P.S. Please take the painkiller, I know that you're suffering right now ;)

Lucy couldn't help but smile at Spencer's words. Of course, he knew that she was having a killer headache. And if she was truly honest, she felt a bit nauseous as well. But she'd ignore that for as long as she could.

After taking a shower and drinking almost a whole bottle of water – damn, she was so thirsty! – Lucy googled what kind of breakfast might help against a hangover. She wasn't hungry but she knew, eating something would make her feel better.

Sitting on the couch with the laptop on her knees, she looked through the internet. "Scrambled eggs will do", Lucy murmured after some minutes and stood up. She still didn't feel well, but some eggs and a stroll outside would make everything better again, she was sure.

While eating her breakfast – which tasted great and thankfully didn't make her feel more nauseous – she sent a text message to Emily, Penelope and JJ. She was wondering how they were feeling.

Penelope's answer came almost immediately: Oh dear, don't ask. I'm glad I can just sit in my little office all by myself. But the computer screens are way too bright today.

Lucy chuckled. Poor Penelope. But for JJ it was even worse. She had to sit with her colleagues who were teasing her and she hadn't gotten enough sleep at all because Michael had woken up way too early in the morning due to nightmares. Emily though, could hide herself in her own office but the amount of work she had to get done was the most of all. She'd keep sitting there for hours. And she regretted last night a bit. While reading the messages, Lucy was glad she didn't have to be at the bookstore today since it was Sunday and she never opened on Sundays. She wouldn't have been able to be there all the time. She felt the urge to get back into Spencer's bed and snuggle under the duvet. And that was what she did after taking a quick stroll. She was just way too tired for anything else than laying there and maybe watch some TV.


"Hey, sleepyhead." When Spencer gently shook her shoulder, and kissed her cheek, Lucy woke up. For a moment, she didn't know where she was and what time it was. But when she looked at Spencer, she assumed that it was evening already. Oh dear, she had slept almost all day long.

Smiling, Spencer crawled into bed, right next to her. "How was your day?", he asked and couldn't hide his amusement. He already knew Lucy's answer. But she replied anyway.

"Well...extremely unproductive", she smirked and rolled around to face Spencer. He reached out a hand and stroked her cheek. The look he gave her let her shudder. It was so full of love that Lucy's heart started to swell. To love someone so much and to know that this person loved her back was the best thing she had ever experienced. Lucy scooted closer and wrapped her arms around Spencer. "Thanks for the pain killer", she murmured against his chest. He quietly chuckled and pulled her into his arms. He kissed her hair before she looked up at him and he could press his lips against hers.

Lucy slightly sighed. She felt much better by now and being here in Spencer's arms was her favorite place to be – apart from the bookstore, of course. "Are you hungry?", Spencer eventually asked after they had been laying there in silence for some minutes.

Lucy nodded and slowly pulled away from her boyfriend. "I've only had scrambled eggs today", she admitted and Spencer shook his head at her.

"I assume you're starving then", he said and got up. Lucy followed him into the living room. She didn't feel like cooking anything. And Spencer couldn't cook – except for scrambled eggs, some pasta and making coffee. She threw his phone, that had been laying on the coffee table, at him. Surprised, he caught it.

"What about Greek food for once?", she suggested and Spencer agreed. They always ordered Asian or Italian Take Away food. This time it could be something else.

"We're so lazy", Spencer laughed when he sank down on the couch after making the call.

Lucy just shrugged. "I can cook tomorrow. Today's just not the day for it." She grabbed the remoter and turned on the TV. This evening would just be food and movies. And Spencer looked as if he was totally up for that kind of evening after all the paperwork he has had to do today.

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