Chapter 46

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Lucy and Spencer had been back from Las Vegas for a few days when Penelope called Lucy to invite her out with the BAU girls. And Lucy knew, she couldn't say no. Penelope would talk her into it anyway. So, she agreed to go out the next weekend.

Penelope was excited when she came to pick up Lucy. "JJ and Emily are waiting in the cab", she explained after she'd hugged her. Lucy smirked at her friend. Penelope always loved to go out with her girls and was even happier when Lucy would join them too. That's why she always asked Luke's sister to come with them.

Lucy was wearing black tights and a blue dress. Penelope told her how stunning she looked but Lucy just waved it away, her cheeks turning a slight red. "Come on, let's go!", Penelope eventually grabbed her friend's hand and pulled her out of the apartment. Laughing, Lucy followed her to the cab, in which Emily and JJ were sitting.

"Hi!", JJ said and hugged Lucy when she sat next to her. Emily greeted her as well while Penelope told the cab driver where to drive to.

Not even half an hour later, the women entered their favorite bar. Penelope immediately walked straight towards the counter to order a first round of drinks. "What do you want?", she asked JJ, Emily and Lucy. While JJ and Emily decided for a Martini and Penelope for a Cosmopolitan, Lucy ordered a Mojito. They clinked glasses, drank and then finally went to dance.

And as the hours passed and the night went on, Lucy had more and more fun. Well, maybe it was because of the alcohol – she has had four Mojitos already – but she really enjoyed the time with the BAU ladies. They were laughing and dancing and just having fun. And Lucy was glad that Penelope had invited her. It felt good to go out and have a night to spend just with her friends.

It was past three in the morning, when Lucy finally started to realize that she maybe has had too many drinks. She felt dizzy – but in a good way – and laughed at everything and everyone. That always happened when she was drunk. Although she couldn't remember when this had happened the last time. It must have been when she was still living in New York City and had been out with Tessa. The thought of her best friend made her sad again almost immediately and she tried to shake off those thoughts.

"I...I guess, I should...go home. I'm...r'lly tired.' drunk", Lucy murmured as she leaned her head against Penelope's shoulder. The blonde laughed and patted Lucy's head. "Don' bother com-ming with me, I'm gonn' call Luke." Penelope, Emily and JJ didn't seem to want to go home right now and Lucy didn't want them to join her just because she felt like going home now.

"Are you sure?", Penelope asked. Lucy nodded and then somehow made her way to the exit. It was way too loud in here to make a phone call. Cold air greeted her as soon as she'd pushed open the door and Lucy took a deep breath. Man, it had been so long since she'd drank that much. Giggling, Lucy searched for her brother's number and called him. Hopefully he'd still be awake.

It took a while until Luke finally answered Lucy's call. "Lu? It's almost half hast three in the morning. What's the matter?", Luke murmured; he clearly sounded as if she had woken him up.

Lucy bit her bottom lip while she leaned against the wall behind her. Everything was spinning around. "I'm...out with...Pen, JJ and Em and...would you...come an' pick me up?" She frowned, trying to get the right words together into a sentence. Her mind was like it was stuck in fluffy clouds.

Luke chuckled. "Are you drunk?"

"What ya think?", Lucy asked back, what made Luke laugh even more.

"Alright, tell me where you are and I'll pick you up", he then said and Lucy could hear him shuffling, as if he was climbing out of his bed. While she waited for her brother to come here, Lucy went back to say goodbye to the BAU ladies. They were still all having lots of fun. It didn't happen often that the team didn't have to work and could enjoy a proper weekend off. Of course, they were enjoying for as long as they could.

"It was great that you were here!", JJ exclaimed, as she hugged Lucy tightly.

"Yeah, it was fun!", she replied with a smile, still feeling all dizzy. "And Luke will be here any moment?"

Lucy nodded. She'd wait near the door, inside the bar. Being alone in the dark still wasn't something she craved. She'd rather waited inside. For the short phone call, it had been alright, but not for longer.

A message from Luke told her a bit later that he had arrived. She grabbed her bag and left the bar. Her brother was waiting on the opposite side of the street. Lucy circuitously climbed on the passenger seat. With an amused grin, Luke examined his sister. "What?", she murmured.

"You look a bit wasted. And your movements prove it", he chuckled and started the car.

A smiled formed on her lips and she reached out a hand to ruffle Luke's hair. "Mojitos were jus' too good", she giggled. And Luke knew, she was really drunk. Grinning, he shook his head as he turned into the direction towards Lucy's apartment. When she realized it, she grabbed his arm.

"No!", she exclaimed loudly, what made Luke wince.

"What?" He was confused.

"I want to go to Spencer", Lucy explained to him.

"You think Spencer wants to deal with his drunk girlfriend in the middle of the night?", he said with raised eyebrows.

Lucy nodded. "Yup."

"Alright then, Spencer's apartment it is."

Half an hour later, Luke parked his car in front of Spencer's apartment building. All the way here Lucy had giggled about everything and she knew how dumb this must have been. But she just couldn't help it. It was the alcohol that made her act like this. "Come on." Luke had opened the door and helped Lucy out of the car. She clawed her fingers into his arm to get some hold.

"Hopefully Spencer is still awake", Luke murmured as he maneuvered his sister upstairs. It seemed like it took an eternity until they finally stood in front of Spencer's door. Luke rang the bell. And not even a minute later, Spencer opened.

Confused, he looked at his girlfriend and her brother. "Don't ask", Luke just said and watched Lucy throwing her arms around Spencer's neck.

"Hiiii", she squealed and kissed him. Spencer was clearly surprised but couldn't hide a smirk neither right now.

"How much did you drink?", he chuckled. Lucy pouted and tried to get the number of Mojitos together.

"Mmmmmaybe six? Or seven? Maybe less...Nooo idea", she then said. "Les go to bed. I'm tired", she added and walked past her boyfriend towards the bedroom. Spencer watched her for a moment, before he turned back to Luke.

The agent just shrugged. "She wanted to come to you", he explained with an amused smile.

"It's alright", Spencer said and then wished his friend a good night. He promised Luke to look after Lucy.

"I know you do", Luke replied with a smile and then left.

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