Chapter 82

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"Spence? I guess we should tell your team that we're expecting a baby", Lucy said one day, when she and Spencer were taking a stroll through the park. "I can't hide that bump for much longer and to be honest, I don't want to. I hate having to think so much about what to wear everyday just so nobody sees that there's a baby growing inside my belly. I guess Penelope is sensing something; she looks at me with a strange look in her eyes. And Luke seems to suspect something as well. He wanted to ask me something a few times but always stopped, as if he didn't dare asking in the end."

Spencer nodded as he wrapped his arm tighter around Lucy's shoulder and pulled her closer. "Yeah, we should. It's about time. And I can't wait for them to finally know." He smiled down at her and Lucy snuggled into his arms. "Would you like to join me to work tomorrow morning? We could tell the team then", he suggested. Lucy agreed. There wouldn't be a better moment anyway.

Excitedly, Lucy and Spencer walked into the bureau holding hands. The others were standing around a desk, talking to each other. When they saw Spencer and Lucy, they were surprised. Penelope came over and gave Lucy a tight hug. "I had no idea you'd come here today!", she said. Lucy shrugged and smiled.

"Me neither", she admitted and quickly glanced at her husband. Spencer couldn't hide a smile as well.

"Alright, what's going on?", JJ suddenly asked, looking at the couple with a frown.

For a few seconds everyone remained quiet, but then Spencer couldn't hold himself back anymore. "We're going to be parents!", he literally shouted through the whole office and beamed at his colleagues and friends.

"No way!", Emily burst out but when Spencer and Lucy nodded – both with the biggest grins on their faces – Penelope jumped towards them and threw her arms around Lucy. She squealed into her ear.

"Oh, my god, I can't believe it! Oh, my god, you're going to have a baby! A mini Lucy or a mini Spencer! Oh, my god!"

Lucy laughed and patted her friend's back. "Don't forget to breathe, Pen." The two friends looked at each other and Lucy could see tears sparkling in Penelope's eyes.

"Don't you dare crying right now, because I'll do as well. My hormones are already starting to act crazy", Lucy quietly said, still smiling widely. But the two of them didn't have more time to talk. Lucy got pulled into everyone's arms, same with Spencer.

"I'm really going to be an uncle?", Luke asked as he wrapped his arms around his sister. Lucy nodded.

"Yep, you are. And you'll be the best." She kissed Luke's cheek. He looked so happy and excited. Well, everyone did.

"I already sensed something but I wasn't sure", Luke then said, glancing over to Spencer.

"Ah, you did?", Lucy teased.

"Yeah, Spencer has been smiling all the time lately. He's been in such a good mood all the time. Oh, and he was on his phone writing messages way too often. To you, I guess. He's never been like this. Not since I know him. And you...I don't know. Penelope said that you were glowing somehow but wasn't sure about a pregnancy neither. We decided to wait for you guys to eventually tell us." He grinned and then hugged Lucy once again. She laughed.

Penelope came back again and glanced at Lucy's stomach. "There's already a bump, isn't it?", she asked excitedly. Lucy nodded and then took her friends hand to put it on her bump. Penelope's eyes widened and she let out another squeal.

"We need to celebrate this!", Rossi exclaimed suddenly.

"I'm sorry to say that we'll have to postpone that party. We've got a case", Emily interrupted and the collectively good mood turned into concern almost immediately. Lucy glanced at Spencer. It was time for her to leave again. The team would have to start working now and Lucy would go to her bookstore. It was time that she spent a bit more time in there again. Phoebe couldn't do all by herself, especially not while she was studying at the university.

"Tell me when you have to leave the city", Lucy said as she was looking up to Spencer. She had placed her hands on his chest. She wasn't sure why, but she hated to leave now. Of course, they had to be parted a lot during their relationship but now that she was pregnant, she wasn't happy at all about him having to leave and being in danger sometimes. Spencer looked as if he hated that fact at least as much as Lucy did.

"I will. I love you." He leaned down and kissed her gently while he put a hand on her baby bump. They both smiled into their kiss.

"And take care", Lucy added before she kissed Spencer once again. Then she said goodbye to the others and left through the glass door.


In the evening, after Lucy had gotten back home from the bookstore, she decided to call her parents and tell them the amazing news. She would facetime them. Making herself comfortable with a cup of tea on the couch, Lucy grabbed her phone and dialed her father's number. When he answered the phone, Lucy could only see something blurred on her display. She giggled. "Dad, I'm facetiming you! You don't have to put your phone to your ear." Slowly, her father finally managed to turn the phone the way he could see his daughter.

"Oh, hi darling!", he said with a smile. "Why you're doing this...facetiming? Is this new?" He looked a bit confused, what made Lucy laugh even more. Older people and technical stuff. It'd always be a phenomenon.

"Is mom there with you?", she asked back and could see her father looking around and then calling for his wife. She came only a few seconds later.

"Lucy! What's the matter? Why you're calling like...this?" Her mom was as confused as her dad.

"Because I've got important news and I...want to see your faces when I tell you", Lucy explained widely grinning.

"Would you please stop confusing us?", her father sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Okay, okay.'re going to be grandparents in almost six months!", Lucy eventually burst out and to watch her parents' faces was precious. Her mother's mouth fell open and she let out a squeal, exclaiming "Whaaaat?!" And her dad was just staring into the phone, not being able to say anything. "Oh, my god, I can't remember getting any better news in years!", Lucy's said.

"Dad? You alright?", Lucy asked. "Mom, is he still breathing?"

"He is, don't worry", her mom laughed.

"I'm going to be grandpa. I'm going to be grandpa", Lucy's father murmured. He looked as if he couldn't believe it yet.

"Yes, you are", Lucy smirked.

Later that evening, Lucy got a call from Spencer. They've had to go out on a case in Boston and Spencer hoped they'd be back within two days or even earlier. Lucy told him about the phone call with her parents and Spencer laughed. "I called my mom as well. She wasn't this happy in months", Spencer said and Lucy couldn't help but smile. It was always good to hear that Diana was happy and doing good.

"Did you tell Derek yet?"

"I did indeed", Spencer replied and Lucy could hear that he was grinning. "He literally freaked out about the fact that I'm going to be a dad too", Spencer laughed now. "Lu? I love you and our little baby."

Lucy bit her bottom lip to hold back upcoming tears. Damn, she was getting overly emotional. "We love you too, Spencer." They said their goodbyes and Lucy hung up the phone again. She didn't want to hold Spencer back from working, although she already missed him. She had never loved to fall asleep alone at night while he was away. But well...technically, she wasn't alone anymore, even if Spencer wasn't here. Smiling, Lucy put a hand on her stomach. "Hi, baby", she whispered.

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