2| Paradox

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To me, life's greatest paradox... is that Death is the meaning of life. The only reason our lives have meaning is that they end.
Every single experience that makes our time here worthwhile goes back to that time being over soon. No one wants to live forever once they've lived long enough. And yet dying is what we're most afraid of.

It's the biggest paradox in life.

     I smile as I look at my paradox in my composition book. I won the contest.

     As much as I hate to admit it, Mr. Hawkins was right to move me to honors. I could kick myself for not doing it sooner.

    Now, 4 periods later, I walk through the hallway to the cafeteria, waiting anxiously in line to meet my friend, Fern. When she finally arrives, I want to hug her tightly and cry about my social struggles.

    "Fern!" I say happily.

    "Indie! It's been one weekend but it feels like forever." She smiles at me through her emerald green eyes and I feel calm now that my friend is with me.

     "I swear, my schedule got changed, i hope we have some classes after lunch."

    "Changed?" Ferns brown eye brows arch in confusion. "Why?"

    "Mr Hawkins moved me to honors English." I sigh and she squeals in excitement.

     "Indie, this is good! You're a brilliant writer/thinker/everything."

    I nod and tell her about my day with the contest, and about being partnered with Anson, none other than the tall, blue-eyed quarterback.

     Her eyes widen at the mention. "Dang- he's hot though. He's in my 7th period."

     I shake my head quickly. "Oh no." My tone is serious. "He's an utter jerk."

  "Really?" Her eyes are wide.

     I nod, remembering my horrible partner experience. I remember of course that it was Bryce that was being brutal with insults. However, if Anson is his best friend, that says a lot about his character. Not to mention he was still rude today...

    Fern shrugs after a moment, and touches my arm gently. "Well, let's see your schedule!"


     I smile and unfold the paper schedule from my pocket. Fern snatches it from my hands and grins. "We have history together! That's great... an easy class with enough spare time for talking. Or sleeping." She adds honestly.

    I giggle. "Wow. Glad your priorities are in order."

    "Sleeping is important. Why else would humans spend an average of 25 years a lifetime doing it?"

    "Because they're stupid?" I venture.

    She rolls her eyes playfully. "Let's just change the subject. I see you have no respect for the sleepy amongst us."

     "Then change the subject!" I play punch her in the arm, and she laughs loudly.

    "Fine, so we finally have a class together for the first time since sophomore year." Fern giggles excitedly. "Seventh period history here we come."

    I grin. "Let's make it through lunch and 6th first."


      When 7th period rolls around, I am elated that I finally know someone in my class. Fern is my oldest and only remaining friend. We met in second grade, and we have been inseparable since.

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