32| To those who wait

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       "Make yourself at home, Blue."

      Butterflies erupt in my stomach (this is like every second, nowadays) when Anson leads me inside his home. Its bright inside and I quietly follow Anson to the couch.

     I gently take a seat and Anson snickers. "You seriously can't tell me that you're this quiet in your own home!"

     I blush. Who actually makes themself at home in someone else's home? Just cause he said that doesn't mean anything!

      He chuckles and grabs the remote control from the coffee table in front of him. He turns on the tv, and I see the large Netflix logo appear.

     Anson reclines against the couch and smirks.

    "Wanna Netflix and Chill?" He teases.

     I roll my eyes and relax. "No thanks."

     "Come on!" Anson grins and scootches closer to me. "You know you wanna."

      I push him away at the chest. "I wanna finish my English project." I grab my backpack from the floor and unzip it, taking out my binders and notebooks.

     Anson's smile falters. "I forgot about that."

    "I didn't."

     "Shouldn't you wait to work on that with your partner?"

      I hesitate. Would Bryce really care?

      "Maybe I should've spent this afternoon with him instead." I hesitate.

      Anson's blue eyes are contemplating . "We could always have a group study. Like- all of us work together."

    "We have different authors." I say.

    "But we have the same goal."

    I don't really want to be around Marissa. Bryce, I can handle. Marissa, makes me want to die.

     "I'll call the both and tell them to come over." Anson suggests. He grabs his phone and starts dialing.

     My stomach drops and I wish I would've kept my mouth shut.  I watch as Anson stands and presses his phone to his ear- talking to both Bryce and Marissa. Finally, he hangs up and looks at me. "They're both in."

    I give a fake smile. "Great."

     Did I just let Marissa and Bryce hijack our night?

   "They'll be here in a minute." Anson says. "You wait here while I go put on something more comfortable."

    Anson disappears down his hallway, and I reluctantly go to stand at the door. Luckily, Bryce arrives first, and I let him in.

   "Not surprised that this was your idea." He says with a plain expression. "Nerd."

   "Shut up! We need the extra time." I punch his shoulder gently and let him step further inside. "Between you and me," I say, "Marissa's coming and I don't have the energy to fight about Anson with her."

     Ugh. I picture her curly blonde head bobbling around Anson all night.

   Bryce frowns. "Indie!" He whispers. "You can't let Marissa get your man."

     If he was really mine, I would agree.

    I blink annoyedly. "I thought you liked Marissa?"

    Bryce shrugs. "For myself, sure. Anything with boobs and a vagina and decent hygiene." He sighs and chuckles. "But for Anson," his eyes narrow in thought, "he's different. He's my best friend. I want him with the right person."

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