7| A man's pride

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     When I walk into Ms. Graves' room, embarrassment washes over me in the form of bright blue.

     When I catch Anson's eyes, all I see is hurt.

     I recall shutting him down last night via text.

I'm sorry. I want to say.

     I feel my cheeks go red as I slip down the aisle and into my seat.

Anson's jaw is tight and he focuses hard on the back of Bryce's head.

     It takes a lot to muster up the courage to cast Anson a regretful look, but when I do, he doesn't even look my way.

     Fine. I frown. I'm not going to chase after someone I barely even know for forgiveness.

     I sigh and try to focus on something else when Ms Graves stands and starts speaking. "Yesterday the group work was very successful, so today I'm allowing you to pick your partners! Get in groups of two, there will be one group of three and I'll explain the assignment."

I sigh and watch as everyone shuffles around to pair up. Everyone is moving but me.

Of course Bryce and Anson are partnering.

I sit quietly as Ms Graves clears her throat. "Okay! Who's the odd man out?"

I raise my hand embarrassedly. Of course I'm the odd man out.

Ms. Graves casts a sympathetic glance. "Alright Indie, who am I gonna pair you with?"

I shrug and she addresses the class.

"Who wants Indie in their group?"

Deadly silence passes through the class. I am embarrassed when it is confirmed that no one wants me. This is what the end feels like.

"I can work alone better actually." I suggest quietly, but Ms Graves dismisses my comment with a wave of her hand.

"Nonsense. You will have a group."

She asks again, and I feel my heart behind my throat.

My eyes lock with Anson's. Bryce is completely unaware of the intense gaze his best friend has created with me. His blue eyes are proud and unsympathetic.

He will never have me...

Suddenly his hand shoots up into the air. "We want her." His voice reverberates loudly.

After he raises his hand, a few people raise theirs, but Anson has already called dibs on me.

Of course when the quarterback wants you, everyone else wants to see what the hype is about.

My face is a violent red when Anson pulls up a chair for me. I ignore Bryce's loud complaints and take a seat beside of them.

"Thanks." I manage.

Bryce scoffs. "Don't thank me, thank Anson. I'll never understand why he always tries to save people from social suicide."

I swallow and look at Anson. As I suspected, it was him burning a hole through me with his eyes.

Ms Graves clears her throat and starts passing out riddles. She explains that the first group to solve three correctly wins.


When we get our page, I blink down at it in confusion. "I hate these." I observe.

Bryce rolls his eyes. "Well I'm going to be of no help. Good luck Hoodie head."

Anson glares at him from beside of me.

"What?" Bryce says defensively. "Okay fine I'll try to help."

"What is seen in the middle of March and April that can't be seen in the beginning or end of either month?" I ask.

Anson narrows his eyes. "The trick is to figure out what it's asking. People speak figuratively a lot, but I find to solve riddles you must be literal."

Bryce laughs and rolls his eyes.

I read the riddle again. Both of the months have one thing literally in the middle.

"The letter R." Anson and I speak in unison. I blush at our jinx moment.

"You owe me a coke." He smirks once more.

How horribly cliché am I?

When I start to look at the next riddle with Anson, Bryce starts blabbing about football. Now Anson is completely wrapped up in that conversation, to my dismay. I sigh and look at the riddles by myself this time.

"So Marissa is going to the game." Bryce chuckles and I suddenly strain my ears to hear the conversation.

Who's Marissa?

Anson laughs nervously. "Oh yeah? Did she tell you that?"

Bryce pops his knuckles loudly. "Yeah. She said she's gonna be there to watch you. She's also super pumped for the party afterwards."

Okay so marissa and Anson are a thing? And there's a party after the game?

I surprise myself that I even care. What am I thinking? I'm the wallflower... I don't do parties anyways.

Anson laughs. "So the party is happening? At your place?"

Bryce nods. "My 'rents are going up north this weekend. They leave Friday morning and my older brother and I got the house to ourselves. Everyone that is anyone is going."

Anson smirks. "I'll be there."

I realize that the last few days have altered the way I've seen Anson. He's still in fact just a popular guy that likes going to parties, too.

Bryce sighs. "Marissa is such a nice piece of ass. You're so lucky dude."

Anson chuckles. "Am I?"

"Oh yeah. I would tap that thing from anywhere. I'd smash her in a heartbeat." He chuckles to himself.

"Maybe you should then." Anson grins from beside of me.

"Yeah- a lot of girls want the runningback, dont get me wrong." Bryce points to himself, "but the best girls want a piece of you, my man."

He punches Anson in the shoulder and they laugh like idiots. I roll my eyes at the misogyny that they radiate.

Anson laughs and looks at me, reminding him of the riddles we have to finish. "Oh shit! I forgot we had work. Sorry, Blue."

Bryce coughs. "Blue? What the hell is with the nicknames?"

"Uhhh-" Anson stutters.

I open my mouth to speak but am shocked at the lie Anson blurts out instead. "I call her blue because she looks like a pornstar with the same name."

My face heats up and I look at Anson angrily. "You call me a pornstar's name?"

Anson shrugs and smiles at Bryce. They high five and Bryce congratulates Anson for being "the real OG".

Inside I feel anger shoot through my body like lightening. Boys are the fakest creatures in existence!

I get ready to retort but a commotion cuts me off. At the front of the room, Ms Graves raises her voice. "We have winners! Group 2 has answered 3 riddles correctly!" She beckons for two theatre kids to come up and get a free school spirit T-shirt as a prize.

I sigh as I remember our assignment. How did I let myself get so distracted?

Disappointment forms a small lump in my throat. I glance at the clock on the wall. It says there are only a few seconds of class left.

So when the bell rings as expected, I gather my things without a word to Anson. My feet carry me out of the classroom and to second period quickly. I try desperately to put first period behind me.

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