15| Not the type

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"Wow Indie, your nails look so much better than mine!"

Fern releases my hand after observing my nails. I shrug. "You're just saying that."

"I'm being honest!" She smiles.

Well... they do look good...

I giggle and take a sip of my Dr Pepper, before picking up my pizza and taking a bite. Our manicure got over an hour ago. Now, Fern and I are treating ourselves to pizza.

"When was the last time we just had a girls night like this?" I wondered aloud.

It has to have been a while...

"Between my Band and your work schedule, I'd say not since summer break."


Fern chews slowly. "So I do have big news."

I perk up. News?

"Do tell."

She lets out a small sigh.. "it's about Leo. He mentioned in class today that he would love to go see that new horror movie in theaters."

"Continue." I say suspiciously.

"He said he wanted to take me, but his friend wants to go. So, he said that if I could find his friend a date- that we could go, him and I."

She makes a pouty face, and I instantly know what she is getting at.

"No way." I shake my head.

"Please Indie! You're my only single friend with nothing to do tomorrow night."

"Work!" I argue. "I have a job!"

Why did she sign me of all people up for this?

"Not after 5:30! Please Indie, I really want to go with Leo."

Fern makes a desperate plea, and I feel bad for refusing her. Leo is really important to her...

"You know how I feel about blind dates!"

I'm not the dating type and she knows it!

"But I'll be there! It's a double date." Fern argues. "You won't be alone, I promise."

I sigh and rub my forehead. "Do you know who the friend is?"

Fern frowns. "No, but it doesn't matter, does it? I think he's on the football team."

Great. Another jock. Like I need that.

"Please Indie, Just once." She sticks out her lip and pouts.

I stuff a slice of pizza in my face.

"Fine." I swallow. "But you owe me, big time."

I can't believe I'm agreeing to this.

"Oh my gosh Indie! Thanks so much!" Fern leans over the table and hugs me.

I laugh. "No problem."

I just better not end up roofied. I swallow nervously. I'll be fine.


I check my phone nervously, and frown at the time. 5 pm.

I don't get off for 30 more minutes, and when I do, I'm expected to go on a blind double date with Fern and Leo and some stranger.

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