49| Thanksgiving

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On Thanksgiving Day, my house is bustling with excitement. I wake up early to my mom already prepping for dinner. She preps the turkey, which involves doing things I personally have no idea how to do. I would offer to help, but instead I get ready for the day because Anson picks me up at 8 a.m.

When I leave with him, Bryn is fixated on the Macy's parade. I promise to be back in time for supper; Anson pulls me along to his home for brunch.

At Anson's house, Dr. Fischart has Eva, the housekeeper, cook delicious food. It's a new take on thanksgiving: cranberry scones, turkey omelettes, and pumpkin muffins. We sit around his round table, eating and developing a fresh relationship together. I surprise myself by learning some things about Dr. Fischart, when he finally opens up in our conversation.

For one, he asks me to call him Kurt, his first name. For two, he reveals his upbringing- raised by a single mom with a younger sister, just like me. Lastly, He reveals his love of literature, which is delightful. When I find out how long it's been since he read for pleasure, I promise to bring him a list of my favorite books.

Anson also makes me proud and develops headway with his father. They talk about sports, catching up on what's been missed these few years. His father apologizes for not showing more interest in Anson's football career. I listen intently as Anson finally has the chance to bond with Kurt again, after so long.

This is how Thanksgiving is supposed to be!

When brunch has finally been eaten, we stay a little longer to continue our conversations. Eventually, Kurt even thanks me for the wake-up call. He admits that he didn't even realize what had happened between him and Anson until the Friday night engagement party.

It's the first time he's addressed me about it since, especially in the presence of Anson, butterflies take flight in my chest.

Once Anson learns the full truth about my intervening that night, he looks at me with a newfound softness. He holds my hand beneath the table, tracing circles over my skin with his thumb.

I decide to give thanks in that exact moment for him.

At four o'clock, we say goodbye to Kurt and Eva, and we start our adventure back to my house for my mom's classic turkey dinner.

Bryn and Anson immediately hit it off. They ask my permission, I'm not sure why, to play Just Dance on the wii while mom and I set the table.

I place the silverware in each spot, and laugh loudly when I see Anson attempting the splits. Bryn does it flawlessly, Anson manages to get 1/4 of the way down, before he admits to defeat.

"Dinner is served!" My mom calls from the counter.

Anson and Bryn bound over to the table. I help mom cut the turkey and serve each portion. We hold hands and give thanks for our food, before going around the table and sharing something we're thankful for besides that.

Bryn goes first. She clears her throat. "I'm thankful for my last year of middle school. I'm thankful for Indie telling me what to expect after I graduate. I'm thankful for Just Dance." She laughs and Anson agrees.

My mom goes next. "I'm thankful for my beautiful daughters. I'm thankful for Anson." She smiles at him, "I'm glad Indie is happy. I'm thankful for another year of life."

I give her a clap and Anson clears his throat. He looks at me with wide eyes, which makes me nervous for what he plans to say. "I'm thankful for Indie, she's been my number one blessing this year." He speaks only to me. "I'm thankful for what you've done for my relationship with my dad. I'm thankful that you've taught me how to view life in a different, exciting way." He looks at Bryn. "I'm also thankful that I've found a new potential dance partner."

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