40| Panic! At the football game

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     Sounds of applause fill my ears when my name is announced over the loudspeaker of the crowded football stadium.

So this is what homecoming feels like?

I can't help but smile on Anson's arm. He slowly leads me across the green turf; we pose for the cameras. Flashes of white light appear in my vision. Anson's grip on me is still tight.

Previously, I thought this moment would feel never ending. In truth, it's all over before I can blink. We exit the field hand in hand, and the ceremony soon ends.

     Now past the end zone, I look at Anson. My heart flutters in my chest. His golden hair is messy. He smirks and casts me a sneaky grin.

     "You're gonna go out there and kick ass." I tell him. My hands travel up his arms. He nods and presses his lips to my cheek.

   "I'm so glad you came, Blue."

Me too.

A timer sounds above my head. "I've gotta go." I say happily. "The game will be resuming. They need their quarterback out there."

   "You need your quarterback here." He argues, pulling my face to his with two hands. I close my eyes and connect our mouths in a kiss.

    His hands press against the small of my back, one of my favorite places for him to be. I feel energy and adrenaline transferring at his touch. Maybe he's excited for the game, or the simple fact that he's kissing a girl who's so enamored with him.

   He pulls away and lets his blue eyes consume mine. "I'll meet you after the game."

    I nod and take a step away from him. "Good luck."

    We part ways, but I feel totally content. I observe the stadium, and I decide to join the student section to cheer him on for the next half of the game.

I scream loudly as they begin running back on the field.

Teens around me shoot confetti into the air. I hear T-shirt cannons in the distance. The band sounds from nearby, it radiates brassy power. Fern is probably playing her heart out alongside of her bandmates. Cheerleaders call over the crowd and soar into the sky. I look up and notice the darkness above.

The days are getting shorter.

Fans begin to excitedly yell things from their seats, once again catching my attention. I scan the field, seeing Anson run the ball 20 yards before stopping. I scream in support until my throat goes dry. My raspy voice goes as long as I can before it's eventually obvious that I need to go to the concessions for a water.

Trying not to miss the game, I slowly walk to the concessions. When a kid on the other team gets hurt, it gives me the perfect opportunity to walk and get a drink, uninterrupted.

I see the concession stand in the distance. The lines are short. My feet move quickly to one of them. Yet when I accidentally spot Bryn talking to someone other than Sarah nearby, my feet come to a screeching halt.

An older boy. He laughs and gulps down a coke. Bryn seems relaxed. He seems so too. His eyes are a familiar shade of green, and my heart squeezes in my chest.

Kyle represents everything I fear. Losing my voice, my power, my choice, my comfort...

As much as I want to run, Bryn is now dangerously close to being snatched up by this hawk's talons. A lump forms in my throat.

No no no! What the hell is he doing with Bryn?

"Bryn!" I call casually, walking over to stand by her. Kyle's green eyes narrow in my direction. I shoot him a warning glance, and Bryn raises a brow.

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