38| Girls' night w/ Anson

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Into each life, some rain must fall.

Those words are the first thing that I think when I see an opened cover of Longfellow's works staring across the bookstore at me. Behind the book, I see the top of a certain blond head of hair.

His hands lower the book to beneath his eyes. His brows rise and fall, and I can't help but snicker. My manager looks at me in confusion, I close my mouth, and secretly glance back at Anson. The book is covering his face again.

Annoyed, I steal over to where he sits as soon as my manager isn't watching.

"Excuse me, sir." I bite my lip and make my voice as stern as possible. "This isn't a library. We close in 10 minutes, if you want to finish that book, you need to purchase it."

Bright blue eyes blink up at me. Like a mutual stranger, he replies.  "I'm only on page 140, maybe one of the employees of this establishment could turn a blind eye."

    What a dork!

I laugh, grasping the corner of the book. "I don't think so." I tug at it with my fingers on the corner of the cover. He holds it tightly.

"Maybe a certain pretty brunette," Anson smiles at me, "could make an exception. Any of those work here?"

I tap my chin, pretending to be in thought. "We only have fat old men working here!" I say, and he stands up.

Whenever he stands, wherever he is, the threat of his size and muscular build is obvious. However, he is gentle as he reaches for the book.

I'm quicker than him.

"Hey! I was going to buy that!" He whines.

"I know you well enough to doubt that."

"I was under the impression you didn't know me at all." He reaches for the book again.

    I grasp his wrist, his eyes light up, and his other arm wraps around my waist.

"Your reflexes have gotten faster." he observes with a proud expression.

"Your attacks have gotten more frequent." I say, and he breaks character to kiss my cheek.

Defenses down, he steps back, and I slip the book back onto the shelf. I sigh and look at the time on my phone. 5:29. November 10th.

I see a reminder that reads: Girls night with Fern! I excitedly clear it, slipping my phone into my back pocket.

"I'll wait on you outside." Anson says. I nod and go to sign out of work.

Grabbing my things, I'm out the doors in a few minutes. Anson stands ready for me.

"I'm taking you straight home?"

I nod. "Fern is supposed to be coming over, Last I checked."

Anson holds my hand and we walk to his car. "Sounds fun."

Sounds like a dream. I think to my junkfood-stocked pantry and rom com collection at home. I can't wait to hang out with Fern.

   "Everything's so busy now, it's like I never see her anymore." I think aloud.

Anson nods. "I get that. We've been dating for over a week now. It doesn't seem real."

I hadn't thought of that. Has it really been over a week?

I squeeze his hand. "And Leo and Fern have been together for months. You can naturally see how she and I have grown apart."

"I guess you're pretty excited for tonight then?"

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