8| Not ashamed

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"Indie, take this box of teen fiction books over there and start sorting." My manager hands me a large cardboard box. I smile and head over to the section titled "teen fiction".

On my way over, Anson steps out of the aisle, blocking my way with his toned, muscular body.

"Need any help?" He flashes a pearly smile.

In 7th period, I made Fern trade seats with me so I didn't have to talk to him. I forgot he knew where I worked.

"How long have you been here?" I ask suspiciously.

Anson shrugs. "Just around 10 minutes. Football doesn't get over until 5." He looks at my box of books. "You working late tonight?"

I shrug. "I might run a little over 5:30, but we close at 6 so it's no problem. What are you doing here, Anson?"

He sighs loudly. "Honestly I asked myself the same question the whole time I drove here."

I narrow my eyes. His dirty blonde hair is disheveled and his forehead still a tad sweaty from football practice.

"I wanted to apologize." He purses his lips. "About the whole conversation in first period. I sounded like a complete asshole and I'm sorry."

I nod. "Yeah, you did." I push past him with my box and kneel down at the empty shelf.

"Need a hand?" His deep voice whispers.

I shake my head. "No Anson, I get paid to do this, remember? Why don't you just go home and take a shower?"

What does he want from me?

"Are you saying I'm gross?" He sniffs his pits. "I think I smell pretty good."

I frown. "Disgusting."

He takes a step towards me and smirks.

"Quit coming closer." I try to ignore him and slide a few copies of The Maze Runner onto the shelf.

Out of the corner of my eyes, he moves closer still.

"Anson, I swear!" I hiss.

"Chill, I'm just gonna get a book."

I bite my lip when suddenly I am caught in a headlock.

"Oh my god Anson stop!" I say a little too loudly.

His grip is not tight around me, I can tell he is being gentle- but still he is making sure that I cant escape him without a good sniff of his man scent.

He chuckles and releases me. I try to stop coughing at the odor.

     "You think I need a shower, still?"

"That was disgusting!" I complain.

Anson sits down on the floor opposite me, laughing silently. "Wow Blue, your face is priceless."

I roll my eyes. Anson is the most annoying boy on earth. It has been confirmed.

I take one last cough and blink at him slowly.

The picture of him sitting on the bookstore floor, all sweaty and unkempt makes my stomach twist into a knot. Then I remember why he is here.

I stand up quickly and dust my hands on my pants.

He doesn't move. His bright blue eyes blink up at me. "Please forgive me."

"For the pornstar thing or the headlock?" I snap.

His Blue  ✓Where stories live. Discover now