10| Drowsiness

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     "You're amazing at this!"

     Travis laughs loudly and spins me around in a circle. I can't believe myself but inside... I'm actually having a great time.

     As the song comes to an end, Travis does some jazz hands for his 'grand finale', and I laugh into his chest.

     We danced to like 5 songs- wow, time flies.

     "You wanna take a break?" Travis calls to me and I nod. I don't want sore feet tomorrow.

     We walk away from the stage laughing and Travis leads me into the kitchen.

     "Want a drink?" He smirks, looking at the beer and champagne on the counters.

     I don't drink.

     "Come on." He persuades. "Let me play bartender tonight."

     I laugh at his outgoing nature. I totally have better judgement than this, but what the heck? One drink couldn't hurt.

     "I've always wanted to try champagne." I said honestly.

     "Such a girl." He winks. "I like it."

     I giggle and ignore the people pushing past me.

     Travis turns and starts fixing drinks, giving me time to scan the room. I suddenly spot Anson in the corner.

     His hands are around the waist of a curly-headed blonde. His tongue is definitely down her throat.

     For some reason, I feel disappointment settle down into the pit of my stomach, and I sigh.

     It's been a really long time. I look at Travis. How long does it take for him to fix a drink?

     His back is turned to me, so I can't see what he's doing, but I assume it's a 'bartender surprise'.

     Finally, he turns and hands me my drink.

     I take it politely, and watch him smile at me. "Cheers." He says, clinking the red solo cup against mine.

     I feel awkward about drinking the drink, so I take a few gulps to be polite.

That wasn't so bad.

     I put the cup down on the counter and look at Travis, who does the same.

     "Thanks for the drink." I say and Travis murmurs an acknowledgement.

     I gaze over to the corner, and notice that Anson is gone. Probably with 'Marissa'. A funny feeling takes over me, and I shake it away. Looking back to Travis, I yawn.

     "What time is it?"

     He trains his dark eyes on his watch. "12:30 am."

     Dang! I should probably start trying to find Anson. I need to get home before it's too late.. or early.

It's past midnight, so would it be late or early?

     I yawn again- moving on from my small word-choice dilemma. Travis smiles and takes my hand. "You tired already?"

     Now that I think about it..

     "Yeah." I admit. "But tonight was so fun. We should do it again."

     Travis smiles. "Aw, don't say you're gonna leave me now." He makes a pouty face. "We has so much fun."

His dark eyes seem to have a sinister look for a moment. I blink and he looks at me normally again.

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