39| Family

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     The sound of a paper ball flying in my direction catches my attention during an afternoon assembly. It smacks into me with precision. Flustered, I look down the bleacher aisles for my attacker and spot a chuckling Bryce and Anson.

  What the heck?

     A smile plays across my face and Anson's hand raises to wave me over. I grasp my backpack strap and casually join the two of them in their row. The arm of my boyfriend slips around my waist supportively. He presses his lips to my cheek while Bryce blinks over at me and whispers.

    "Why the hell were you sitting alone? Are you just trying to be the biggest loser in school? "

    I shrug and look from his dark eyes to Anson, who answers in my place. "Indie still sometimes forgets that she has me to join during pointless assemblies. And by the way, I think the biggest loser award goes to you, Mr. third wheel." He jabs Bryce with a finger.

      "Ouch." Bryce rolls his eyes. "Coming from a guy who admitted that his girlfriend forgets he exists."

     My nose crinkles. Even though we spend a lot of time together now, I still pinch myself daily when someone refers to Anson as my boyfriend.

    "I'm not trying to be a loser." I speak up. "It's just that normally I sit with Fern."

    She's still recovering from her sickness, so Anson and Bryce are all I have left.

     That reminds me...

    "You're still coming over for supper tonight?" I look at Anson as his hand rubs my back.

     "I'm still invited?" His eyes are bright.


    "Then of course I'm coming!" His voice is full of brightness.

     "That's what she said." Bryce murmurs off to the side of our conversation.

     Anson ignores him. "It's about time that I officially meet your family." He looks at me excitedly.

    I mean, he's met them before... just not in a dinner setting.

     Bryce snorts beside of us. "I've never heard you so enthused about a family dinner."

     Anson shrugs. "It's different as long as it isn't my Dad." He abruptly adds, "and Kate."

      I frown, Bryce catches my gaze knowingly.

     So Anson definitely has something on his mind about the two of them, then.

     "Anson, I don't want to be a downer, but you should hear this: No one says you have to like your dad's attitude, but you can't hold a grudge about Kate when she's not done anything but love your dad." Bryce speaks to Anson with confidence, unafraid of hurting his feelings- a luxury afforded to him for being Anson's life-long friend.

     I nod at Bryce in agreement. Anson's jaw tightens and he trains his eyes on our principal, who discusses upcoming senior events down on the gymnasium floor.

     Does he plan to shut us out? I know he can't be interested in this assembly!

     I whisper. "Bryce is right, Anson. If your dad is serious about Kate, you've got to accept that she's not going anywhere." My voice is light. "Maybe you could even use her to grow close to your dad again."

      How was that for my first advice as his girlfriend?

     Bryce winks at me and secretly gives a thumbs up.

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