9| Friday night lights

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     "1. 2. 3. HUT!"

     I watch with wide eyes as the football glides over into Anson's hands. He looks big and strong in his football uniform, even from where I sit in the top of the student section.

     Bryn giggles excitedly beside of me. She raises her voice over the loud cheers and asks me if the quarterback is the guy that I'm friends with. It feels weird to say yes.

     I look as the boys tackle the opponents onto the ground. Weaving through them is Anson. He throws the ball over to a teammate, who runs down the field with it.

     I jump up and down excitedly with the crowd. I hear the Band start to play shout it out and a huge smile plays across my face.

     This is so much fun!

     Bryn and I scream loudly as number 14 makes a touchdown for our team. Anson's pass made it possible.

     The lights shining down on the field make everything brighter and more exciting. The trumpets and low brass glimmer in the stands.

     Every sound and movement is amplified in front of me. The beauty of the chaos takes my breath away.

     I look at Bryn and her face is lit up with excitement.

     When our team takes the lead, I am elated. The cheerleaders down on the track do backflips, and the flag guys take off running with our school colors painted on their bare chests.

     Football gives such a rush.

     As the game continues, I notice my voice is hoarse from screaming. We are in the lead, so Bryn and I decide to go get a drink from the concession stand.

     When we get back, it is halftime. I excitedly wait to watch the band. When they march out onto the field, I immediately spot Fern.

     Her instrument is in hand, and her posture is suddenly impeccable.

     "Fern!" Bryn says happily.

    I nod and watch as the band moves through three songs perfectly. The drumbreak had some hilarious body work, I realize that is what Fern had tried to tell me the other day at lunch.

     When the band is done performing, I run down to where they are exiting the field. i meet fern and we stand and watch the football players walk back to their spots.

     When Anson passes me, my heart stops. He flashes a radiant smile and I barely reciprocate.

     His sandy-blonde hair is sticking out in sweaty tufts. I forget to blink as he slips his helmet over his head and jogs back to his place.

     "The eye contact you two have is creepy." Fern says, getting a giggle from Bryn.

     "That boy came to our house the other day!" Bryn blurts.

     I immediately feel my arms go numb. Fern wasn't supposed to know that detail.

     "What is she talking about, Indie?" Fern says confusedly.

     I sigh. Im still not telling her about the park. "He took me home from work after he apologized that day about the book."

     Fern scoffs. "Why? He doesn't have a crush on you, does he?"

     My cheeks feel hot all of a sudden. "No. He just felt bad I didn't have a car."

     Bryn and Fern giggle at each other and I roll my eyes. "Come on." I say, leading them to concessions for a slice of pizza.

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