5| Lonesome swan

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     After school, I walk to my job at the bookstore. I have an exciting day of organizing shelves ahead of me.

     When I begin my shift, if that's what you call it, I put my name tag on and start wandering through the aisles.

     A woman with jet-black hair is in one aisle titled Self improvement.

     I sweetly ask her if she needs any help. She turns me down, which I think is ironic, and I walk back through the other aisles.

     Business is slow today.

     I hear the bell at the front ring, but I can't see who entered from this far back, so I journey through a few aisles in hopes of seeing them and offering my assistance.

     When I'm halfway down an aisle titled "sex", Anson turns the corner and stands in front of me- amusement playing across his face.

     "Blue." He smirks. Loose strands of his sandy blonde hair frame his forehead. I look-somewhere between his eye brows instead into of his ocean eyes.

I would be lying to say my stomach wasn't doing somersaults at the sight of him.

     "Anson Fischart." I grit my teeth nervously. "Are you stalking me now?"

     He shrugs. "It's not hard to do." He looks up at the aisle sign and smirks again.

Why do guys smirk so freaking much?

     "Of course you're on the sex aisle. Let me guess.. frustrated by the lack of male attention in your life?" He smiles a brief, closed mouth smile and places a large hand behind his neck. "I could help you with that, all you have to do is ask."

     He pops it and looks at me. I'm rendered speechless by his audacity.

Did he just offer himself up as a hookup? I look at him skeptically. This is a new energy than before.

     "No!" I respond with a defensive tone. "I work here. Why would I be browsing for sex books?"

     He shrugs. "You tell me."

He better be joking.

     "what are you doing here?" I ask impatiently. "And don't tell me you like coming to bookstores, you've never once darkened the door in the 2 years I've worked here."

     "Okay you caught me." He puts his hands up. "I was actually looking for you."

     I frown. "Why?"

     "I wanted to talk to you. Is that such a crime?" He leans in and his big blue eyes widen. "So are you gonna throw me out or not?"

     I step back from him. "Fine I'll talk to you, after my shift."

     "When does that start?"

     I look at the clock on the wall. "5:30."

     Anson smiles. "Okay, in the meantime I'm gonna run to Starbucks and get a coffee. I'll be back to wait on you. Do you want anything?"

     I shrug. "Pumpkin spice latte, I guess."

I mean, dislike him or not... I'm not passing on my free Starbucks.

     "Perfect." He flashes a dazzling smile and saunters out of the store.

     I feel uneasiness wash over me. What does Anson have to say? How did he find out I work here?

     In 30 minutes, he's back holding two cups of Starbucks. He hands mine to me, and I take a sip.

    Pumpkin spice is so freaking good, I can't even.

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