16| Movie date

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"These are for you."

My mouth gapes open in surprise as I take a bouquet of roses from my blind date. Fern and Leo giggle childishly behind me.

The problem is, that in front of me is no stranger.

I peer into his bright green eyes sheepishly.

"Kyle, right?"

He nods happily. "I had no idea that my luck would be so good. Leo just told me that I'd have a pretty blind date- he didn't mention that you were flat out gorgeous."

I blush awkwardly and Fern clears her throat. "The movie is starting soon, enough idle chatting."

The boys smile and walk out together, giving me a chance to whisper to Fern.

"You know Kyle?" She hisses in my ear.

"Yes! He hit on me in the hallway the other day. Anson doesn't like him."

Fern smirks. "Wonder why that could be?"


"If I would have known it would be Kyle, I wouldn't have agreed." I whisper.

"Oh come on." Fern rolls her eyes, "don't let one incident keep you from getting to know him. It might be that Kyle is a sweet guy."

She grabs the roses from my hands and takes a whiff. "These were a nice touch."

I have to agree- the flowers are nice.

"Any bozo can buy a bouquet." I say skeptically.

"Quit being so cynical." Fern sighs, "just have fun tonight and maybe you'll enjoy it so much you ask me to hook you up on another blind date."

I roll my eyes. "You know I don't do social interaction."

"Funny, you do any time Anson is around."

I open my mouth to retort, but we arrive at Leo's car and I am forced to sit next to Kyle.

After some awkward chatter about the weather and football season, we finally arrive at the cinema.

Kyle hops out of the car and offers me his hand, I take it politely, but frown inside at the chivalry.

We all enter simultaneously, and Fern and I order snacks while the boys buy tickets.

I order my favorite- junior mints and buttered popcorn. I also get two medium drinks: one for Kyle and one for me. Fern on the other hand orders one huge drink to share with Leo.

"Mmm, did Fern tell you junior mints were my favorite?" Kyle's voice from behind startles me.

     "No." I say briskly. "They're my favorite, too."

     Fern jabs me in the side at my harshness, and I feel a little bad for my tone.

     "I got them for us to share." I say, acting sweet.

     Kyle beams and helps me carry the snacks into the theater. We all sit at the top and I try to ignore Kyle's laughter throughout the previews.

     "Look at that, Indie." He points and stuffs popcorn into his mouth. "I'm definitely going to be back to see this."

     I smile awkwardly, realizing that Kyle isn't so bad maybe. He just knows how to be himself wherever he goes- something that I envy.

     When the movie starts to play, I personally find myself zoning out. Horror movies are too stupid for someone like me to enjoy.

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