22| Fortune Cookie

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"Thanks Indigo, see you tomorrow."

I smile at my manager and walk quickly to the bookstore exit. When I push the door open with my right hand, I wince.

My fist doesn't look too great.

I frown at the thought of punching Kyle in the face. Something like that should fill me with satisfaction, but it doesn't. It fills me with dread.

I push outside and smile as I'm greeted by the cool autumn wind. The seasons are changing and I love it. October is but just a few days away.

When I spot a convertible camaro in the parking lot, I frown.

Is Anson here?

"Looking for me?" A deep, brisk voice sounds beside of me, making me jump.

Anson piercing blue eyes meet mine; and, I feel butterflies take flight in my stomach.

"Shouldn't I be the one to ask you that?"

Anson flashes a smile and shrugs. "I'm not sure, but I just got out of football practice,"

"Noted." I mumble as I observe his sweaty features.

"And I'm starving." He continues. "Wanna go get some food with me?"


I blink in confusion as I try and process his question.

I am a little hungry....

"Uh, sure."

He smiles and runs a hand through his hair. "I'm craving Chinese. Is that okay with you?"

My stomach grumbles at the suggestion. "Sounds delicious, but I don't have any money with me."

"Honestly blue, did you expect me to not pay for you?" He smirks and I blush a little.

"Let me text my mom not to pick me up." I say as we walk to his parked car.

When we are seated and buckled, he inquires why I haven't got a car yet.

I sigh. "My Mom can't afford one yet. For now, she's saving up to buy me something nice."

"Oh." Anson nods, pulling out onto the road.

I'm quiet as we drive down the street, but my mind is full of thoughts.

Why did he ask me to eat with him? Is something on his mind? Is he worried about me?

I shake my thoughts from my head and focus on my surroundings. In a moment, we're heading straight for the China Garden parking lot.

The last time I ate here, I was a freshman. My dad and Mom brought Bryn and I here to celebrate making the A honor roll.

That was the last family outing we went on.

"Are you okay?"

I hear Anson's voice and come back down from the thoughts I'm in.

"Yeah. Fine." I say, getting out and following Anson inside.

The China Garden is one of the prettiest restaurants I've been to. It's modern and aesthetically pleasing.

I love the usage of the color red throughout the restaurant.

"Table for two." Anson tells the hostess and we walk back to a dimly lit room.

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