47| Broken home

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"Alright you two, sit down and explain to Kate and me what the hell just happened out there!" Dr. Fischart looks at Kate with an angry expression. I assume there will be a lot more of that look when they find out what's been going on between the three of us recently.

I twiddle my fingers awkwardly and watch this family-to-be sort through their problems. Kyle looks far away from us, despite sitting about three feet from Anson. His neck is colored from Anson's grip. I feel no pity for that.

"Well?" Dr. Fischart demands. "Is someone going to answer? Anson!"

When being spoken to, Anson's hostile gaze directs itself towards Kyle beside of him. "You heard me out there." He looks at his father.

     Whatever he wants to say, I hope he doesn't isolate his father further by doing it.

Anson glances back at me occasionally, as if making sure I'm safe. I shoot him a look, trying to communicate how delicately I think this situation should be handled. His expression softens at my reminder.

In front of us, Kate shakes her head. "I don't understand. You said something about Kyle and Indie?" Her gaze is fixated on my boyfriend. I suddenly wonder to myself if Kate is aware of Kyle's flaws.

Does she know how her son treats girls? Does she know what he's capable of?

I do. I remember. I've not panicked, yet. I think it's getting easier to stand up for myself around him....

While I think, Anson grips his chair and his knuckles turn white. "Your son," he looks from Kate to Kyle, "is a twisted, sick human being. He may be young, but he's already a psychopath."

Kate's mouth drops. Anson's father begins to scold him, but Anson continues.

    "Kyle has, time and again, threatened Indie, nearly sexually assaulted her, and tonight he almost raped her." Anson's chest rises and falls quickly with his words. "He intimidates girls and threatens them with sex."

   Kate raises a brow at me. "Is this true, Indie?"

In her eyes I can see the growing darkness. I can see a woman who believed the best in her son. Someone who had no intention of creating a sick, nearly-evil son. It's a terrifying decision for me to decide how to answer this woman.

Do I tell her the truth and ruin her entire mirage of motherhood?

  I feel all eyes move to where I'm standing. I focus only on Kate's pale green ones.

    "Yes. I'm sorry, but yes." I break, my voice is hoarse. I feel terrible to admit the truth, and it shows. Anson's face twists, sadness clouds his features.

     For a moment I just wish we would have stayed in his room and never come out.  Unsure of what to say, Kate places a hand on her forehead. Kyle remains silent in his chair.

    "Anson got Kyle benched on the football team after the first incident-" I start to explain.

    "First?!" Kate interjects with shock. "How many times has he done these things?" Her face goes slack.

    "Well..." I look up, mentally counting the times Kyle has approached.

   "Five, I think." My voice is weak.

   "Five." She whispers in disbelief. She fans her face exasperatedly, and Anson's father shakes his head gravely.

     "I can't believe they never told either of us." his widened eyes observe a distressed Kate. I notice that her hands are shaky as Dr. Fischart holds them to him.

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