author's ending note

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Welcome my lovelies, to the last a/n about His Blue!

*actually that's kind of a lie, keep reading and I'll explain*

     For me, His Blue began as a project I started in April of 2018, one that I shelved until about August of the same year. I was actually working on an alternate book when I noticed my draft His Blue sitting on my profile, untouched for months. I decided to read what I had written months prior, and I realized how much the story could mean to me and everyone around if I explored it.

Aren't you glad I did? 😂

so... I technically finished writing His Blue in February of 2019. It's crazy to think that I wrote an entire book in about 9 months. However, I have edited chapters long since February. (I had to make sure everything was perfect!)

    The amount of time and energy I put into this story makes it feel like a lifetime of writing. If you think I'm lying, just know that every day I have at least one deep thought to myself about the journey the story should take, options for dialogue between characters, and more.

Not that you probably couldn't guess, but this story truly has my heart, and it's been an incredible feeling to think that this story has some of your hearts, too. At the end of all of this, it's a bittersweet feeling. On one hand, I'm glad that it's finished. I'm glad that we reached a resolution that felt right for these characters and right for me. That being said, I'm really really gonna miss being in Indie's head.

Now because this is the end, I'm gonna do the cliché author things to end an a/n...


My readers, who have stuck through the months and months of weekly updates, you're the real MVPs

My fellow wattpad authors, who have offered advice, asked for advice, and complimented my work when I felt like giving up.

To poetenne , who wrote a beautiful poem and allowed me to incorporate it into my storyline

To a certain person, who doesn't know me well, but who inspired me to write Bryce's storyline the way I did.


What did you think about the book ending? Anything you wish was different?

What has been your favorite part/scene of this story?

     Who's your favorite character?

     Would you read my future books?

Thanks for the comments, votes, and reads. I'm sure it got annoying to read that phrase every chapter, but they truly do mean a lot to me!

Once again, thank you for everything!

With love,


His Blue  ✓Where stories live. Discover now