27| Concession confession

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"Fischart runs the ball to the end zone- resulting in the first touchdown of the night!"

The air around me is cracking with excitement as I listen to the commentators at the football game. I stand alone in the top area of the student section, unbothered and unknown to most kids here.

I'm here for Anson. I think proudly as I see the quarterback, and my now crush, sprinting across the field to his coaches.

I hear the sound of a T-shirt cannon, and a projectile is hurtled toward me at lightning speed by a cheerleader down on the track. She flashes a smile and I catch the T-shirt with one hand.

I unroll it to reveal a school spirit shirt. I smile.

I love it!

I happily tuck it into by bag and bring my attention go back to the field. The band plays loudly from their stands and I strain my ears to hear the comments about the gameplay. To me it's like listening to someone speak another language. I hardly understand football.

In the middle of the field, I notice guys slamming into one another in a variety of ways. Anson clutches the dark ball in his arm and weaves between countless bodies, before being sacked just short of the end zone.

The players break from the game, and rearrange themselves on the field.

  Time passes, and I scream and shout more and more for Anson and his teammates. At one point, I swear he spots me from the field and waves. My heart skips a beat and I wave back, just in case.

The night speeds on, and I find myself with Fern during the third quarter. She excitedly clings to the fence as we watch the game from behind the scoreboard.

"I just can't believe how good Leo is playing tonight." She says proudly.

I nod. "He's obviously a good player."

Her mouth twitches and she glances over at me. "Anson is a star, though." She admits.

Heat creeps to my cheeks at the sound of his name. I mumble an agreement.

"About the other night," she sighs, "I wasn't trying to be non-supportive. I just wanted you to know that I wouldn't be too hasty about getting on the Anson bandwagon. I just don't want you hurt." She says, gently brushing my arm with a hand.

I appreciate the intention.

"Thanks." I say. "I'm meeting him at the concessions after the game. I'm sort of nervous."

Fern laughs. "I feel the same way around Leo! Just be yourself and don't be the PDA type." Her eyes glint with happiness, and the sound of the buzzer rings loudly above us.

"4th quarter." I realize . "You're late to the band."

"crap!" Fern stomps her foot. "Sometimes I just hate Band. Well, I'll talk to you later."

I wave slowly.

"Good luck with Anson!"

I watch her jog across the sidewalk and back to her friends in the marching band. I admire how cohesive they all are together.

I decide to watch the rest of the game from where I'm already standing. Anson completes some awesome plays, and I feel admiration well up in my chest.

I'm so lucky to be friends with him, really.

When the game ends, I nervously walk to the concessions stand. The crowd has cleared away now, but the smells of popcorn and hotdogs still linger in the air.

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