31| Partners

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It's bright and early when I sit in Ms. Graves' class, sneaking glances at Anson beside me as she discusses how happy she is to be finished with Shakespeare- and gladly moving on to other English authors.

Anson catches my eye and nods at me. I feel the usual excitement that comes when the handsome boy looks at me, but the disappointment of recent sinks to the pit of my stomach.

Don't get too attached. I remind myself to stay distant in case Anson Fischart's attention doesn't result in an actual relationship.

I bite my lip and look up to the front of the classroom. Ms. Graves puts an image on the board of a newspaper editorials from different papers.

I frown when she moves on to a page of names of various authors.

"Class!" Her voice rings out over the room. "It has been rumored that a project was coming to the senior English classes this week. That rumor is true."

Nervousness crashes against me at her words. I've always hated group work.

"This assignment will be one that takes up some of the next few weeks. Every senior English student this semester will be in the library during the period they have English-there, you'll be assigned to anyone in the room as a partner. Our senior English teachers will be grading the projects as a panel."

She claps her hands excitedly. "You and your partner will be given an English author, and you'll be expected to create an imaginary newspaper, in which you will write several editorials about the author's life." She nods to our class. "These need to be accurate, factual, and well written." Her eyes rest on me. "Also, creative."

This sounds like my kind of project... except the partner part. I wish I could just choose Anson.

Ms Graves smiles. "Since today is the first day, we will go meet the other classes and assign partners. Everyone take your things and walk to the library. Be there in 5."

At her command, the class disperses and journeys to the library. I sling my bag over my shoulder and look at Anson.

"Told you there would be a project."

I roll my eyes playfully. "Can you just be wrong, for once?"

The library is almost full when we arrive. There are around 15 four-person tables, couches, and long tables lined in one large room. The remaining area is occupied by bookshelves, computers, and book carts.

4 English classes of 15-20 students each, including Ms. Graves', are gathered here. Anson and I take a seat beside each other, and listen for instruction.

I see my old teacher, Mr. Hawkins, standing next to the other English teachers. He notices me and I wave.

"Is everyone here?" Ms Graves calls. She scans the room before smiling. "Alright. We have a pre-made partner sheet. We will post these on two sides of the library. Check the list, meet up with your partner, and see what author you've been assigned."

I frown. Do we get to choose anything for ourselves?

"Go!" She says, and Anson and I stand.

We follow the crowd over to the partner sheet. "Am I stupid to hope we will be partnered?" Anson asks me.

His blue eyes are serious. I shake my head. "This isn't spin the bottle."

He smirks at me and we step forward to look at the list. I press my finger to the paper and slide down until I find my name.

Indigo Jasper....... Bryce

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