24| Impressment

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I'm sitting alone and eating breakfast on Monday when Anson slides into the booth across from me- for what seems like the thousandth time already this year.

Seriously, it feels like he's always eaten breakfast with me.

"Hey." He gives me a quick greeting. His thick voice is deep this early in the morning. It reminds me of a few days ago, when he arrived at my door with biscuits in hand.

A few boring days have passed between us, now, his blue eyes glance down at my composition book; I shut it instantly and put it away.

"You've been writing a lot since we went to the bluff." He wears a proud look on his face and I unzip my bag and slide the book into it and out of his sight.

Thankfully, I have.

"Wouldn't you like to take credit for all of that?"

" Of course I would. I even had to rescue you from falling off a cliff that day. I want to make sure you at least got something out of all my effort!"

I roll my eyes. "Anson, it was a boulder, not a cliff."

"Same difference."

I laugh and think back to my embarrassing klutz moment. My face feels warm and Anson raises a brow.

"Either way, you enjoyed the view?"


"I did." I say warmly."the bluff was gorgeous. Thank you."

     "Yeah... I meant the view of me." A smile tugs at his lips and I roll my eyes.

     Of course he did.

"Yeah right."

Anson basks in silence for a moment, before clearing his throat and speaking again.

"Well, I'm normally not an IOU kinda guy, but I do have a favor to ask from you, now."

A favor? I frown suspiciously. What could Anson possibly want from me.

"What do you want?"

"That pretty little brain of yours."

He smirks and I fake gag.

"Spit it out, Fischart."

"Fineeee." He draws out the word reluctantly and effortlessly ruffles his hair with a hand.

"I need help with my history homework. Tragic, I know." He sighs. "Now that we're studying the war of 1812, I'm so lost. Of course, I managed to stalk your grades and see that you're somehow passing with flying colors.. though I'm not surprised."

I laugh a little and he takes a breath, continuing, "I was hoping you could tutor me sometime so I don't bomb Friday's quiz."

He flashes a suggestive smile, and I feel uneasy. Tutoring him means risking an awkward run-in with his jerky dad.

Unless I did it at my house.

I bite my lip. Bryn wouldn't be home yet from her extracurricular activities...

Anson's azure gaze eats away at my heartstrings as soon as I meet it.

How can I resist?

I huff defeatedly.

"You could come over to my house after my job gets over." I offer. "As long as Bryn and my mom aren't there."

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