18| Seven minutes in heaven

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"Wooohoo!" I pump my fist into the air happily as the timer sounds and our team wins the football game.

I laugh and run down the stands, waving to Fern, and congratulating the few football players already exiting the field.

Kyle finds me in a moment; he flashes a bright smile.

"You ready?" He asks.

I nod and we walk silently over to his Jeep Wrangler. The ride to his house is quiet, and once we arrive, I help him get out drinks and food.

I turn on some music as he starts letting people in to the party.

It's nothing like last week, with a huge pool and live music, but it's homier and louder because of the size.

Eventually, Kyle finds me in the kitchen, and leads me out to the living room.

There are a ton of people already here. I notice the Bryce in the corner, surrounded by cheerleaders.

I scoff. Typical.

Kyle's arms wrap around me, and I can't help but feel stifled by his grabbiness.

He whispers something to me that I can't hear, and we have a seat on a cramped couch.

Why can't he let go of me? Is this how couples act?

"I think I need a drink." I lie and pry away from Kyle's grasp. He hardly notices and I steal away into the kitchen.

I notice a curly blonde pouring a drink, when she turns around, she glares at me.


"Hi." I say warmly.

She scans me with her eyes and places a hand on her hip. "Of course you're here." Her voice comes out in a whine. "I can't go anywhere without you showing up to steal Anson from me!"


I blink in confusion. "Anson? He's here?"

"Don't play dumb." She spits. "I know what you're trying to do."

I'm not trying to do anything!

"Actually, I'm here with Kyle." I say, grabbing a sprite and walking back out into the living room.

Sure enough, Anson is relaxed against the wall, chatting to some guys.

I try not to stare and sit down beside Kyle again. "Hey Indie." He says, wrapping his arms around my waist once more.

I hear Anson's handsome laughing from across the room. I feel lonely with Kyle hardly paying attention to me. His long fingers absentmindedly drum against my side.

I take a sip of sprite and look across from me.

Anson's strong figure straightens as he scans the room. I feel his gaze resting on me, and I can't bring myself to meet his eyes.

He's deadly still, until Marissa walks over and wraps her arms around him. He ignores her affections, and walks away when she tries
to kiss him.

"Anson! Come back!" She hisses annoyedly.

I watch interestedly as he exits the room with her behind.

In a few moments, Kyle stands and addresses the group.

"We're gonna play a game. Seven minutes in Heaven." He smirks as the group claps and laughs excitedly.

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