28| Safeguarded

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"Back the hell away, Kyle." Bryce pushes my attacker to the ground, and seizes me with a large hand.

Quickly, he pulls me away from the concessions stand, and I trustingly follow. My mouth is dry from shock. My body is trembling every second that passes.

"What the hell is his problem?!" Bryce huffs, leading me across a dark school parking lot and to his vehicle. He opens the passenger side door, and gestures for me to get in.

Though Bryce and I aren't close, I don't question him.

I take a seat and he gets in to the driver's side. He closes the door and locks it.

"Explain to me what I just witnessed." His eyes are dark and I shakily wring my hands together and rest them in my lap.

I shake my head. What did happen, exactly?

  Memories flash before my eyes. I hear Kyle's deep, threatening voice. I see his bright green eyes and his devilish smirk. I remember the feeling of his lips on my neck.  

     My body begins to tremble.

    "Woah." Bryce gently reaches out and steadies me with a hand on my shoulder. His dark eyes blink at me.

    "Has Kyle been messing with you since that night at his house?" His face looks as if he's never considered the possibility.

     My voice wavers, "Kyle hates me. He doesn't want me to forget that." I feel a tear slipping down my face. I embarrassedly wipe it away.

     Bryce isn't the kind of guy you cry in front of.

"Indie," Bryce bites his lip; he tilts his head, "He pinned you to the wall."

I'm aware of that.

I timidly avoid Bryce's gaze. I know that guys react to things in unpredictable ways. I speak as calmly as possible- despite my silent sobbing. "I don't know what to tell you. He's upset about being off the team. He's upset that I didn't want to sleep with him at the party. Those things together are apparently enough of a reason to taunt me."

"Kyle's a p-"

"Bryce!" I warn, like I'm paranoid that Kyle will hear . "I don't want to think any more about it. He's gone. It's over."

We both know that it's not over.

He scowls. "I'm worried about you though. Where would you be if I hadn't found you with him?"

I chew my lip and squeeze my eyes shut to avoid any unwanted images popping into my head.

    "Thanks for saving me." I choke out. Immediately, I want to cringe at the word. It seems like I've needed a lot of 'saving' this year.

What is it with me and assault? Am I everyone's punching bag?

"Listen, Indie... If you want, I'll go and beat the fu**er up!" Bryce says sternly. "I'll beat his brains out for you."

    He would?

I don't understand his readiness to defend me. Bryce has never been too kind to me, besides saving my butt, twice now.

My voice sounds overly suspicious. "Why would you throw yourself in harm's way for me?"

"For the same reason Anson would." Bryce's eyes are trained on my face. "I'm not gonna lie, at first, I thought you were a goody-goody and all. I even called you some unfair names. I apologize for that."

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