50| Between the sheets

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A/N: mature scene ahead

"Do you trust me?"

I hear Anson's husky voice sound in front of me, reverberating in the dark room. The bed beneath my bare skin is soft and comforting. I can already tell I'll be covered with hickeys tomorrow.

     Do I trust him? I think seriously about his question.

More than almost anyone I know.

    I nod slowly. Anson's lips graze my cheek and slip down my neck. They press against on my breast, and he gently slips my panties off my legs.

I shiver from the exposure. My heartbeat is present in the side of my neck as Anson's body hovers over me. He sucks on my skin; I bite my lip in pleasure.

Tantalizingly slow, his kisses journey down towards my navel. His hands grip my legs on either side of him. Before going any further, he stops and looks back up at me. Sweat outlines his forehead already. His lips are rosy from kissing me. His eyes are both loving and lusting.

"Do it." I say, whimpering when his fingers connect with my body. My own fingers twist his hair carelessly as he massages me. I gasp for air and writhe beneath him. Adrenaline and pleasure tear through my limbs. He kisses me on the mouth and stifles my moans.

All I can think is: this is the best thing I've ever felt!

After a moment of pleasure, I collapse beneath him. I pant for breath, focusing on sucking air in through my mouth. My eyes squeeze shut and I float back down from cloud nine, returning to Anson's bed for more.

He holds me carefully between his arms, like I'm a doll made of porcelain. I trace his chest with a hand, trying my best to speak after what he gave to me.

"Anson, I love you."

My voice stirs him from his cocoon of intensity. His pupils dilate and rest on my face.

"I love you, too."

Trailing my fingertips down his muscular torso, my hand presses against a tense and yearning part of him. He steadies himself against the mattress.

    I feel readiness settle in my heart. I know what I want. I know I am comfortable enough to be with him.

"Do you want this?" I make sure to ask him.

He flashes a gorgeous smile and takes a deep breath. "So much that it's consuming me." He replies.

At that, I pull his face to mine for a quick kiss.

"Get a condom." I say level-headedly.

Did I just say that? Excitement prickles my skin as he goes to retrieve protection from his secret stash. He returns with a rubber and opens it up carefully.

"Are you scared, love?" His voice is calm as he slips out of his briefs. My breath catches in my throat when I see him.

    I shake my head no, watching him in fascination as he gets ready to be with me. Finally, he rejoins me on the bed. We look at each other nervously for a moment- anticipating.

    Everything changes, after this. I remind myself.

I try to feel this moment for as long as I can, the last moment I'll live without knowing what it's like to sleep with Anson.

He chuckles smokily, his hands pulling my face to his for one final kiss before he lays me on my back. I shiver in excitement as he caresses my bare thighs. My eyes involuntarily shut, elated, but ignorant for what to expect next.

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