42| Unexpected hug

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"Do you think Anson will be at Kyle's house by now?" Bryce grips his steering wheel and scans the distant road with his dark irises. His voice is steady, unlike me.

     Minutes earlier, Anson left on a suicide mission to Kyle's. I pop my knuckles to disperse some nerves. Stay calm. I tell myself. Anson is going to throw himself in the way of my worst enemy, I can't lose my head, too.

"I know Anson will be there." My answer is plain.

Bryce blinks over in my direction and tightens his jaw. "You know, if Anson would've asked me to fight Kyle with him, I would have done it."

     The dangers of blind loyalties.

I grimace. "Luckily Anson didn't think to involve you ."

     He tilts his head in acknowledgment. "When we get there, you should stay in the car."

     No way.

"You're an idiot if you think I'm staying back."

"I thought you would say that." He whistles through his teeth and turns a corner. "Anson won't like it if you bust in; he definitely won't like it that I allowed you to."

     I didn't want Anson running off and leaving me, but he did that regardless.

"Kyle has always been my demon, not Anson's... he has enough of those on his own." I say. "When we get to Kyle's house, you and I both go in. We can do damage-control from there."

Bryce slows the car and shakes his head. "I don't think we will need to."

Confusion prickles in my stomach. I look ahead and see Anson's camaro. It's parked on the street in front of Kyle's home. I breathe a sigh of relief when I see Anson's figure still sitting inside the protection of his vehicle.

Bryce is silent as he pulls up behind Anson and parks. I lose no time unbuckling and jumping out of the car. Bryce does the same and we run to the camaro.

I beat Bryce there, sling the door open, and slide into the passenger's seat. Anson's eyes are quick to widen in my direction. Bryce stands outside of my door with a patient stance.

"Indie-" Anson looks more dangerous than when he left me. "What the hell are you doing here?"

His carelessness rubs me the wrong way. I open my mouth. "You locked me in your room, but you were too concerned about your suicide mission to realize that you left me with your phone."

I pull it out from my pocket, handing his property back with a scowl. I lower my voice. "You're lucky Bryce was smart enough to help me track you down before you made a huge mistake!"

    Hopefully he'll hear me out..

"Bryce?" The name tumbles off his lips in confusion. I nod, watching Anson's blue gaze travel outside and to his best friend's unsuspecting outline.

"He brought you here?!" A look of anger begins to seep into his expression.

I reach out to grasp his face, but he abruptly turns and gets out of the car. I bite my lip in frustration and get out too, unaware that when Anson marches around to Bryce, he plans to confront him with a few choice words.

At the barrage of questions and insults, Bryce's hands shoot up defensively, keeping Anson from knocking him down in his anger. I'm glad in this instant that Bryce was prepared for Anson to explode like this.

     Bryce can handle himself.

"How could you bring her here?" Anson fumes, arms waving in disbelief. "You know what Kyle did!" He shoves Bryce back, and he quickly starts for Kyle's door.

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