26| After kissing

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I lay in my bed for hours that afternoon- the one that occurs shortly after Anson secretly leaves the house in soaking wet clothes.

My body is utterly paralyzed by a force that was, before this night, previously unknown to me. I tell myself that all girls must feel this way after their first kiss.

I wonder if mine was more or less special than normal people's.

I break down the components of my new state:

1) nervousness.
I'm nervous about seeing Anson again after the moment we shared.
2) confusion.
What does this mean for me now?
3) pure bliss.
I kissed Anson fischart- no- he kissed me. I have many reasons to be overjoyed for that.

I hear a knock at my bedroom door, and I stir for the first time in hours. "Come in." I call.

It creaks open, and Bryn's head appears in the space. She has a sly smile on her face. I frown.

What's that look about?

I raise a brow, and she spills her guts.

"Where did you hide him?"

"Hide who?" I roll my eyes impatiently.

Bryn stands up taller and squints at me from across the room. "You know," she says, "Anson. I saw his gorgeous camaro in the driveway when I got home. Now the car's gone."

The camaro!

My face flushes red and I sigh. "I forgot that his car was parked out there." I admit.

Bryn rolls her eyes. "Why is it such a big secret that he came over?"

I hiss at her. "It's not!"

"You're acting like it is."

"Get out of my room." I demand, and Bryn huffs, but wears a complacent smirk. I know to myself that she thinks she has some kind of dirt on me now. As much as I want to tell her about my first kiss, it's not exactly something she knows much about.

I see her disappear and hear the door click shut. I decide to call Fern, someone who does need to hear the news.

She has always had a conflicting opinion about Anson. One second, she approves, the next, she disapproves.

She's still my best friend. I still need to call her.

I watch as my phones dials her. After a moment, I press the object to my ear .

She answers with a calm, unsuspecting 'hello'.

I bite my lip and squeeze my eyes shut- like I'm trying to keep from being hit by any bad vibes that might come from this impending conversation.

"Anson kissed me." I say as plainly as possible.

The line goes silent, before I hear a shocked gasp. "What?" Is all Fern can seem to manage.

I start to doubt my instincts about calling. Did I already mess up by calling her?

My heartbeat is fast and I try to speak clearly. "Fern, I'm calling you to tell you that Anson Fischart kissed me. My first kiss." I bite my lip. "And it wasn't just a peck."

"Good god, you didn't loose your panties, did you?"

I laugh, calmed down by her semi-playful response. "No. No. All clothes remained- " I break off my sentence.

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