46| Explosion

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(continuation of chapter 45)

Kate's what? Kate's son?!

The ground I'm standing on no longer seems trustworthy. I can't seem to do anything except drop my mouth in surprise at Kyle's familial revelation. The more time I have to think, the worse things become.

If Kate is engaged to Dr. Fischart and Kyle is Kate's son, that means Anson and Kyle will be step-brothers!

"You better be lying!" I gasp, taking an absentminded step down the staircase towards him. He smirks and begins walking up in my direction.

I instinctively take a step back.

"What's not to believe?" He angles his head. "I'm Kyle Parr, son of Kate Parr."

I remember the familiarity of Kate's green eyes. I want to hit myself for not making the connection. Kyle takes another step, now separated from me by one stair.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his cellphone. Angling it so that I can see, he opens Facebook and searches for Kate Parr. My face goes slack as I see her profile.

Her bio reads: Engaged to Dr. Fischart, mother to Kyle Parr.

I see her recent posts, photos of Kyle and Anson's father alike. After a moment of Kyle's scrolling, there's no denying the simple proof. My shoulders drop.

"Okay. My bad, you proved your point." I say weakly. "Have fun at the party."

Kyle slips his phone back into his pocket, and looks at me. "You don't seem too alarmed." He observes.

"That's because I haven't told Anson, yet."

"You know, I'm just as annoyed about this as he will be."

I shake my head. "He will not be annoyed. He will be furious. You might even die." I add seriously.

At that, Kyle laughs. "Oh please, Anson can just scoot over and let me in his family like I'm having to do for him."

    I ignore his comment.

"How long have you known?"

"About the engagement? Or about my mom dating Anson's dad?"

"The second one."

Kyle speaks without a thought. "A few weeks. How else do you think I found out about his dope addict of a mother?"His words send a sharp pain down my body.

"That's enough, Kyle. Anson still hurts over that."

Kyle shrugs. "I still hurt over things too, you know. People remind me every day that I wasn't good enough to be on the stupid football team."

"You quit the team."

"Because of Anson." He looks at me, eyes slowly glowing dark again. I step away, realizing that the peace between us is going out the window- fast.

"I need to go check on Anson." I lie.

"Running out on me now?" Kyle scans my figure. "You do that a lot. When I think I'm getting somewhere with you, you bail and run straight into Anson's arms."

     "Can you blame me?" I snap.

     "Yes, I can." His voice is sharp.

     "He's my boyfriend."

     "He wasn't always."

     I waver for a moment.

"This isn't about the past, Kyle," I say honestly. "Why can't we move past what we have done to each other? Why can't it be over?"

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