14| You are different

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Tap. Tap. Tap.

     The sound of my pencil tapping against the cafeteria table is the only sound close by me. In the distance are some students eating breakfast. What a fine Tuesday morning.

     I stop tapping my pencil and stare blankly at my composition book. For a week I haven't been able to write. I have no muse.

     Sometimes I have this writer's block- where nothing is profound enough to write down. I hate it.

    Gravity tugs my lips into a frown, and I hardly feel my booth wobble as I'm joined by someone else.

     I look up and lock eyes with Anson.

     "How is it that I eat breakfast in here every morning, but have never noticed
you?" He raises a brow.

     "Maybe you're too focused on your football friends to look around for two seconds."

     "I don't think that's it." He gives me a sassy look and I shrug.

     "Then I'm not sure, but it's good to know that my invisibility cloak still works at times."

     " ha ha."

     I watch as he pulls a biscuit from his backpack pocket and unwraps it.

I listen to the crinkle of the wrapper in his hands for a moment.

     My ears happen to catch some distant conversation, and I follow the sounds to a table of popular kids. They're watching Anson and I in utter confusion.

     "Wait- did you actually leave your friends to come over here?"  I ask, not taking my gaze off of the group.

     Anson swallows. "Yeah. I saw you alone and thought you might want some company." He shrugs it off like no big deal, but when I spot Marissa in the distance, surrounded by a hoard of athletes and cheerleaders, my stomach feels uneasy.

     "I sit here alone so that I can write." I explain quietly.

     He snorts. "Is that what you call it?"

     I blush and protectively close my notebook. "I've not started yet, but-"

     "Better get going." He looks at his watch, cutting me off, "we don't have long until class starts. Surely you're dying to find out more about Hamlet?"

     I scoff at the mention. "Oh yeah- I'm dying to have more random English tasks assigned to me."

     "That's what I thought." Anson grabs my pencil and opens my book up to a blank page while I'm distracted.

     My heart jumps and I reach out. "Anson what are you doing? You know I have separation anxiety when it comes to that book!"

     "Relax." He chuckles. "Don't think I haven't noticed you can't come up with anything new to write."

     My mouth drops. "You've been keeping track?"


     I feel butterflies erupt in my stomach and I push the feelings aside. I watch as Anson bends down and starts scribbling away in my book. Finally, I can't take the anticipation of not knowing what he's writing. I grab it back and scan the page.

      I don't mind, if you push me away
     I'm not going anywhere. I plan to stay.
     It's true we just met, and you hardly know me,
     But you are different, I can see.
Now I'm not a poet, and I'm not a fan,
     Of writing down words that I don't understand.
     But when it comes to you, my blue, I think we can agree,
     That I understand I'll write anything to save you and me.

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