20| Meet Dad

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    "Give me what I want, slut."

     I struggle against the bonds around my wrists, and scream in vain.

     No one can hear me.

     My assailant touches me and I cry out, unable to make him stop. I wish and pray for escape as he-


     I open my eyes as Anson blinks down at me. Light filters into the room and I realize that I have slept in his arms all night.

     The thought of my body pressed against his in sleep erases all previous thoughts from my mind.

     I sit upright quickly and look at the time.

     It's 8:30 am exactly.

     "Goodmorning, Blue."

      "Morning." I say, not paying attention to his expression.

     What was I dreaming? Why was I dreaming it?

     "You were having a bad dream." 

     My eyes meet his and I nod.

     How did I manage to sleep all night here without waking up once? I must have been exhausted.

     Anson slips out from behind me and stands in front of the window. I observe how his blonde hair, tousled from sleep. He stretches, flexing his muscles, and yawns.

     "It's a beautiful day." He notices

     I stand up and walk over to the window with him. "You're right."

      I love this time of year.

     Outside the sky is a bright blue color. The sun is shining bright and the trees are turning orange and yellow with the season.

Pretty soon, the leaves will fall, leaving a fabulous afternoon of raking for Bryn and me.

    I hear Anson's stomach growl and look at him in amusement. "I'm hungry." He unnecessarily explains. "Wanna go get some food?"

     I shrug. "I guess."

     He laughs and leads me down to the kitchen. 

The house is extremely quiet this morning.

     "Where's Eva?" I ask when I see that the kitchen is completely empty.

     "Shopping" He says, grabbing a cream-colored post-it note from the fridge. He holds it up. "She always leaves a note when she leaves."

     I smile. "That's good."

    Anson mumbles in agreement and starts shuffling in the cabinets. I watch him from behind, he looks like a bear in a campground.

He grunts angrily after a few moments. "There's no food in here!"

Yep. Exactly like a bear.

     "That's probably why she went shopping." I smirk and he points a finger at me.

     "Don't embarrass me in my own home."

I bet there is plenty to eat.

     I laugh and go to see what really is in the cabinets. I observe countless boxes and bags full of cookable food.

"Anson!" I gasp. "There's plenty of food. You just have to know how to cook."

     "Exactly." He sighs exasperatedly.

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