48| Want

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I buy 3 lingerie sets to appeal to Fern. Inside I know that while they're nice, they're not necessary.

One is baby blue. One is black. One is rose gold. They're satin, lacy, dainty items. It's slightly embarrassing to me that I bought them, but Fern assures me that I'll love it. When I get back home, I stuff the boxes at the back of my closet so no one can find them.

It's late by now, so I make ramen noodles for supper. I start to watch an episode of my favorite show when there's a distinct knock at the door.

I open it and let Anson inside. He joins me on the couch to watch tv. Bryn comes in and watches with us. I've already seen the episode, luckily, because Anson just wants to make comments about all of it. At 10 o'clock, Bryn goes to bed. Anson and I are once again alone.

I cuddle against his chest, feeling warmth as it radiates from him. I rest my head on him and close my eyes. "You're cute." I say.

He kisses my head. "You won't say that when I tell you what happened earlier." His voice isn't playful. The tone of it lets me know that whatever he's thinking pertains to Kate and his dad.

It's been a day since I've heard anything about the two of them, and since Kyle ran off from the engagement party.

I sit up quickly. "What is it?" My eyes are wide.

It's only been one day! What did he do?

I take in every feature of his face as he sighs. "My dad and Kate broke off their engagement today."

The news hits me like a sudden shockwave, My mouth drops. "Already?!" I gasp.

He nods. "It was mutual, apparently."

I can't believe it! They broke things off?!

Anson closes my gaping mouth with a hand. I grit my teeth together nervously. "Is this our fault?!"

     I don't want that on my conscience! That's the last thing I need!

    "No." He hugs me tighter to his chest. "Apparently it wasn't really about anything we said in the study."

If you ask me, that's the whole reason the argument started!

"Then, what did they say was their reasoning?" I look at Anson. They had to have broken it off for some reason. I swallow nervously.

     He smiles, but his face isn't bright. "Apparently, they realized that their sons should be more important to them than what we were. They also realized they had a relationship that wasn't built on a strong foundation."

    When I listen, I decide the reason Anson gives me seems like a legitimate one. I sigh a breath of relief.

"I can't believe it." I look at Anson and shake my head. "Are you happy?" I sweep his hair to the side with a hand and scan his face for signs of emotion.

Please tell me he's happy after all this.

   His handsome features are deep.

"I thought I would be happier." He admits with a scowl. "I'm happy Kyle won't be in the family. I'm happy my dad seems to understand his relation to me." He blinks. "But you were right, he got hurt by some of what I said. I feel bad for doing that."

"Anson, your dad will heal. Once he remembers how great of a son he's got, he'll not look back. I think he's already on his way to remembering."

We look at each other for a silent second before he smiles. "You always know how to cheer me up. You're really good at that."

Thanks. I blush at his praise.

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